
Am 18.01.24 um 18:45 schrieb Pavel Machek:

We have an upcoming device that has a per-key keyboard backlight, but does
the control completely via a wmi/acpi interface. So no usable hidraw here
for a potential userspace driver implementation ...

So a quick summary for the ideas floating in this thread so far:

1. Expand leds interface allowing arbitrary modes with semi arbitrary
optional attributes:
     - Con:

         - Violates the simplicity paradigm of the leds interface (e.g. with
this one leds entry controls possible multiple leds)
Let's not do this.

2. Implement per-key keyboards as auxdisplay

     - Pro:

         - Already has a concept for led positions

         - Is conceptually closer to "multiple leds forming a singular entity"

     - Con:

         - No preexisting UPower support

         - No concept for special hardware lightning modes

         - No support for arbitrary led outlines yet (e.g. ISO style enter-key)
Please do this one.

2 more maybe cons to add to this that popped into my mind just now:

- How would lightbars, or mice fit into this?

- How do 3-zone, 4-zone, n-zone keyboards fit into this? aka how many zones to be considered an aux display?

3. Implement in input subsystem

     - Pro:

         - Preexisting concept for keys and key purpose

     - Con:

         - Not in scope for subsystem

         - No other preexisting light infrastructure
Or negotiate with input people to do this.

4. Implement a simple leds driver only supporting a small subset of the
capabilities and make it disable-able for a userspace driver to take over
No. Kernel should abstract this away.

Best regards,

Kind regards,


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