Alex Deucher wrote:

> The "profile" method exposes 4 profiles that can be selected from:
> 1. "default"
> 2. "auto"
> 3. "low"
> 4. "high"
> Select the profile by echoing the selected profile to
> /sys/class/drm/card-0/device/power_profile.

Testing on a rv670 desktop it seems that low does not force the card to 
low clock.

Before these patches went in I could force low by

echo 2.0 > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_state for 2 screens or
echo 1.0 > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_state for one screen.

Though dmesg didn't always report setting it did work (using bench mark 
to verify) - I could also get dmesg to confirm by echo 2.0 echo 2.2 then 
echo 2.0.

Running current drt with the info -> debug patch reverted I can't get

echo low >  /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_profile

to lower the clock whatever I try - one screen, two screens forcing high 
then low etc. (nothing in dmesg and benchmark gives full clock results)

dynpm works as before and I do get low clock in dpms with profile.

One separate question - do I need to use the module param dynclks=1 or 
is it the default?

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