On 10-11-18 06:50 PM, Rafael J. Wysocki wrote:
> This message contains a list of some post-2.6.35 regressions introduced before
> 2.6.36, for which there are no fixes in the mainline known to the tracking 
> team.
> If any of them have been fixed already, please let us know.
> If you know of any other unresolved post-2.6.35 regressions, please let us 
> know
> either and we'll add them to the list.  Also, please let us know if any
> of the entries below are invalid.

> Bug-Entry     : http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21652
> Subject               : several problems with intel graphics since 2.6.36
> Submitter     : Norbert Preining<preining at logic.at>
> Date          : 2010-10-27 14:32 (23 days old)
> Message-ID    :<20101027143252.GA8676 at gamma.logic.tuwien.ac.at>
> References    : http://marc.info/?l=linux-kernel&m=128818998630241&w=2

That one is interesting to me.. I suspect it may be the same cause
as for https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21952

I have one of those Samsung (N210) Netbooks here: works fine with 2.6.34 and 
but fails to come out of suspend on 2.6.35/2.6.36 (haven't tried 2.6.37).

So perhaps add 21952 to the list, or link it to the 21652
(kind of amusing how similar the bug numbers are..).

My non-Intel graphics notebook (has ATI X1400 graphics) also has a resume
regression with 2.6.36.  But it does work fine with 2.6.35 (and earlier,
back many years).  As a result, I'm stuck with 2.6.35 for the time being,
and lack the time for a concerted debug effort on 2.6.36+ right now.


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