Hello Jean,

Thanks for answer, i will take more atention in subjects,

> What is the last kernel that works for you?
> Are you running self-built or distribution kernels?
> Can we please see the kernel configuration file?

My Last kernel working from git repository was 2.6.38-rc8+, the stable
line .38.X work fines.
I use the git version from kernel.org site pull and build manually be
me. The Latest Stable Kernel is from gentoo-sources, and i always
compile manually too.
I have attached .config kernel in mail.

> It would be great
> if you were able to get us the kernel logs in a text form, using some
> form of serial console.

Removing the CONFIG_I2C_CHARDEV has not effect, the panic continues
happing I looking for some way to send panic log in text, but no
success yet.

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