On 08/12/12 06:50 AM, Luc Verhaegen wrote:
> * By the 28th of september, i need 6 committed speakers, otherwise i 
>   will not apply for a DevRoom. 6 people need to apply for a talk slot 
>   who _definitely_ will come to FOSDEM on February 2nd and/or 3rd 2013. 
>   This "definitely" means:
>     * Don't knowingly plan anything else for this weekend.

Which unfortunately due to scheduling this year, means not attending the
end of linux.conf.au, since that runs January 28 to February 2nd, on the
other end of the planet (a very long flight away from Brussels).

>     * Come to FOSDEM even if your corporation does not fund you (though 
>       feel free to contact the board individually for funding)

Yes, as always, the X.Org Foundation Board is willing to fund travel &
lodging expenses for those who don't have other funding (including those
working for companies who have declined to pay for travel).   Contact
board at foundation.x.org with requests.

        -Alan Coopersmith-              alan.coopersmith at oracle.com
         Oracle Solaris Engineering - http://blogs.oracle.com/alanc

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