On 01.06.2012 12:08, Steven Newbury wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I have two DRM devices, i965 onboard, and a Radeon in a docking station.
> Both devices are enabled in my Xorg server layout Screen0 is the i965,
> and Screen1, the Radeon.
> When I run vdpauinfo or try using mplayer -vo vdpau on the Radeon, I
> get the error:
> do_winsys_init: DRM version is 1.6.0 but this driver is only
> compatible with 2.3.x (kernel 2.6.34) or later.
> This is the version of the intel DRM driver!
> The i965 obviously doesn't do VDPAU, since it's a "classic" driver,
> it's DRI card0.  DRI card1, the radeon, seems to be properly
> configured.  DRI works fine.
> I would open a bug, but I'm not sure *where* the problem is...
The error message comes from the radeon winsys inside mesa, but I'm not 
sure if that bug is really there or if DRI is messing up the cards somehow.

I would assign it to mesa initially, we could change it later on anyway.


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