Hi folks,

the XDC2012 conference program (modulo updates) is now available at


The program will also be available in printed form on site.

Please be aware that we currently have major issues with MoinMoin
wiki, probably due to the massive spamming attacks Alan is trying hard
to repel. If you get Guru Meditations while accessing the Wiki,
chances are the watchdog has already triggered, and the Wiki should be
back in approximately 15 minutes then.

Have fun

|  ,_,             Matthias Hopf <matthias.hopf at ohm-hochschule.de>
| (   ) |__| |\/|  Professor for Applied Computer Science    matthias at hopf.in
| ,) (, |  | |  |   Georg-Simon-Ohm-University, Nuremberg    www.hopf.in

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