Keith Packard <keithp at> writes:

> This sequence first adds a a couple of new DRIimage extensions to the
> dri/common, dri/i915 and dri/i965 directories which define a
> loader-independent API for managing window system operations.
> The last patch adds a new DRI3000 loader using those new interfaces.

I've figured out that I can also re-use dri2CreateNewScreen2 for the
image driver bits, as long as I change that function to also look up the
image loader. That means there are *no* new dri_util functions needed.

To recap, the changes needed to support using the DRIimageExtension
interfaces for allocating buffers from the driver in the loader are:


        A proper subset of DRIdri2DriverExtension, which uses
        the same five functions involved in creating new objects:

           /* Common DRI functions, shared with DRI2 */
           __DRIcreateNewScreen2        createNewScreen2;
           __DRIcreateNewDrawable       createNewDrawable;
           __DRIcreateNewContext        createNewContext;
           __DRIcreateContextAttribs    createContextAttribs;
           __DRIgetAPIMask              getAPIMask;


        Contains just two functions, one to allocate buffers and one to
        copy the fake front to the real front when flushing stuff.

            * Allocate color buffers.
            * \param driDrawable
            * \param width              Width of allocated buffers
            * \param height             Height of allocated buffers
            * \param format             one of __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_*
            * \param stamp              Address of variable to be updated when
            *                           getBuffers must be called again
            * \param loaderPrivate      The loaderPrivate for driDrawable
            * \param buffer_mask        Set of buffers to allocate
            * \param buffers            Returned buffers
           int (*getBuffers)(__DRIdrawable *driDrawable,
                             int *width, int *height,
                             unsigned int format,
                             uint32_t *stamp,
                             void *loaderPrivate,
                             uint32_t buffer_mask,
                             struct __DRIimageList *buffers);

             * Flush pending front-buffer rendering
             * Any rendering that has been performed to the
             * fake front will be flushed to the front
             * \param driDrawable    Drawable whose front-buffer is to be 
             * \param loaderPrivate  Loader's private data that was previously 
             *                       into 
            void (*flushFrontBuffer)(__DRIdrawable *driDrawable, void 

Each driver will need to have a path to use the image loader to get
color buffers using the DRIimageLoaderExtension getBuffers function.

keith.packard at
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