On Fri, Apr 13, 2001 at 01:32:39PM -0700, Simon Kirby wrote:

> I'm trying to compile the glx client but I'm not having much luck. 
> Debian unstable.  How are you compiling it over there?

Okay, finally got qf-client-glx to compile (library conflicts with DRI

It starts up and runs, but I'm not able to find any multiplayer servers
and it doesn't let me play single player.  I'll search for some in xqf or

However, in the mean time, there are some strange things happening.  As
soon as the client starts, my analog flatpanel starts to get all jittery
-- pixels are all vibrating left and right.  I can _sometimes_ see a
single row of pixels jittering normally if the sync is misaligned, but
quakeforge isn't even changing the resoution (1024x768) and it just
suddenly starts going all funky.  Each scanline is different, as if the
horizontal sync is changing phase slightly.

As soon as I quit, everything returns to normal.

I just obscured the window trying to find a multiplayer server, and got a
lock up.  Sysrq worked, but my mouse was frozen.  I hadn't even started
playing yet.

Trying again...


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