On Fri, Apr 13, 2001 at 02:07:05PM -0700, Simon Kirby wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 13, 2001 at 01:32:39PM -0700, Simon Kirby wrote:
> > I'm trying to compile the glx client but I'm not having much luck. 
> > Debian unstable.  How are you compiling it over there?
> Okay, finally got qf-client-glx to compile (library conflicts with DRI
> tree).
> It starts up and runs, but I'm not able to find any multiplayer servers
> and it doesn't let me play single player.  I'll search for some in xqf or
> something.
> However, in the mean time, there are some strange things happening.  As
> soon as the client starts, my analog flatpanel starts to get all jittery
> -- pixels are all vibrating left and right.  I can _sometimes_ see a
> single row of pixels jittering normally if the sync is misaligned, but
> quakeforge isn't even changing the resoution (1024x768) and it just
> suddenly starts going all funky.  Each scanline is different, as if the
> horizontal sync is changing phase slightly.
> As soon as I quit, everything returns to normal.
> I just obscured the window trying to find a multiplayer server, and got a
> lock up.  Sysrq worked, but my mouse was frozen.  I hadn't even started
> playing yet.
> Trying again...

Well, I compiled "nuq" instead (the single player version), and I just
finished three levels without any problems (other than the weird pixel
thing which doesn't happen in q3).

I tried obscuring the window, changing virtual desktops, dragging
everything over it, etc., and couldn't get it to lock up at all.  Before,
when I had my G200, I could cause a lockup with any GL program by
dragging partially or fully obscuring the GL window.  It seems that this
isn't causing it, though, or something in the multiplayer client is.


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