On Tue, 18 Sep 2001, Will Newton wrote:

> On Tuesday 18 Sep 2001 4:36 pm, you wrote:
> > > Look at it this way: a couple of security holes have been found in the
> > > DRI drivers, and fixed. What's in the nVidia drivers?
> >
> > What's in any binary application or driver you install?
> I don't know. Er, that's my point...
> > > People are willing to use them, so fair enough. But whilst I have a
> > > reasonable choice I will use an open source driver.
> >
> > Unfortunately, your reasonable choice doesn't look like it's going to last
> > much longer.
> So what do you propose to do about it? Take a perverse glee in arguing that 
> something bad is going to happen,

Fast, stable drivers from nVidia are a bad thing?

>  and trying to shoot down anyone who 
> believes otherwise? Not sure I see what you are trying to achieve.

What makes you think I'm trying to shoot down anyone?  I'm just trying to
point out that, to most people, closed drivers are not a problem.

If there is an OSS alternate, great!  I'll be the first in line to buy the
hardware and use the drivers.  If not, I'll continue to use whatever best
suites my needs.

> > > Seriously, if I had a G400, I would help fixing bugs in it.
> >
> > Not everyone has the programming skills to do that.  And even many of
> > those that do, don't want to have to fix the bugs in a driver just to get
> > their hardware working :-)
> They shouldn't have to. But there are users who can. Look at the Utah GLX 
> project - that was necessitated by id software releasing games. John Carmack 
> did some development because (besides being very cool indeed) he was a 
> corporate user of Linux 3D software. So maybe we can get some help from 
> people out there creating 3D packages? (Maya, Blender, Softimage?) Also Linux 
> distros are surely getting bug reports about this, I know the market is not 
> very good right now, but maybe you can spare a developer to help? If DRI has 
> corporate backing (and hopefully from a better company than VA Linux) it will 
> achieve more. The difference between a company like RedHat or NaN saying e.g. 
> "our software needs drivers on Linux, have you plans to do this or release 
> specs?" is always going to have more effect than hackers asking for docs by 
> themselves.
> > > Unfortunately I'm a poor student so I have a crappy old 3dfx
> > > Banshee[1] card. So unless I win the lottery there is not much chance
> > > of me personally writing/fixing any DRI code in the near future.
> >
> > And it's because so many people feel that way that there are so few
> > volunteers with the DRI development.
> I propose all DRI developers buy lottery tickets this week then. :)

lol...  Good luck :-)


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