The only source files that nVidia provides are very limited files for
compiling the necessary kernel driver (which, from what I understand,
contains very little info regarding nVidia's hardware). The source rpm
they have for NVIDIA_GLX is nothing more than the compiled libraries and X


On Fri, 5 Oct 2001, Johannes Prix wrote:

> Dear DRI developers,
> I read in the FAQ, that NVidia provide their own
> binary closed source drivers.  Yet visiting the Nvidia
> homepage driver section I find, that there are not only
> binary drivers for several distributions, but also a source
> rpm and a source tarball "for those interested".  Actually
> I used this source and the explicit and very details 
> compilation and troubleshooting information there to install
> the driver on my system.  It compiled and works well.  Have
> I misunderstood the concept of closed source or is this 
> perhaps valuable and sufficient information for the DRI project?
> Has there been a change in the attitude of NVidia?  Perhaps
> someone could change those lines in the FAQ, for NVidia has
> in my opinion done great work.  Thanks a lot if anyone has 
> the time to answer this mail.
>                                          Johannes Prix, Graz.
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