Jose Fonseca wrote:

> > BTW my X-Server is running now but I get strange authentification
> > failures:
> > the DRM module isn't allowed to write to X while I'm not logged in as
> > root. kdm also fails on startup with XDM-AUTHENTIFICATION failure
> > Does anybody know how to fix this quick ( I haven't had time yet to read 
> > something about that issue )
> >
> Andreas, in your own login (i.e., not as root) type something like:
> xauth +your_hostname

No, I think you are wrong:

/home/nuetzel> hostname
/home/nuetzel> xauth +SunWave1
xauth: (argv):1:  unknown command "+SunWave1"

Andreas have a look into your  ~/.Xauthority file. I am sure your_hostname is 
already in it, no?

My solution:

Andreas are you running SuSE???

Then you need as myself as well a patch from SuSE for the XFree86/XFree86 DRI 
CVS tree that enables the XDM-AUTHENTIFICATION (DES encryption for better 
security) to get KDM running, again.

I've looked into the SuSE 7.3 XFree86 (xf86-4.1.0-45.src.rpm) package but 
didn't found the right stuff, yet :-(

> Perhaps this is sufficient.

No, see above.

Stefan can you help, here? Maybe these patches are under closure (NDA)?

Dieter Nützel
Graduate Student, Computer Science

University of Hamburg
Department of Computer Science

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