Frank C. Earl wrote:
> The command pathway doesn't seem to allow for that.  Only the blit
> I've coded only inbound to the aperture writes with that pathway, but not 
> outbound (there's very little that anything other than the X server needs
> do that sort of thing).

How do you prevent a client-side "driver" from sending down blit
commands, without inspecting the DMA buffer?

> Ok, that's going to make the machine do the work twice- once for filling
> buffer with verticies and then again to unpack them and submit commands to

> the engine.  I was trying to avoid a bottleneck- but, okay, if that's not 
> acceptable, I'll do it the other way.

You can't allow the user-space portion of the driver to fill in
the register programming words in the DMA buffer.  Vertex data,
sure, that's okay.  The registers are mapped into two separate
pages for PIO access, but all that goes away when you're doing
DMA transfers...

> The engine doesn't seem to allow for that if you disallow the user to set
> blit operations.  I'd have to run a test to be sure, but I think the
> would lock up if you messed with the setup registers and tried to
> the gui-master into a blit and that'd be only way what you suggest could 
> happen with the RagePRO from what I can tell.

Exactly how do you do this?

> The other cards seem to mainly have nice pathways for submitting
> etc.  This one doesn't.  I'll recode it to accomodate no commands but pure

> data- it's not just a pain, it's horribly inefficient with this card the
> it's designed.  

It's a damned slow chip.  With anything over about a 4-500MHz
processer, you'll still be able to saturate the chip -- we got
it to hit the hardware limit doing PIO with a 600MHz PIII, I
seem to recall...

-- Gareth

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