Me again,

        Here's the rundown...  

        With the main DRI branch, the original Radeon has no problems with
any of the GL apps and games I have.  This includes all the xscreensaver
GL apps, the Mesa demos and the following games: tuxracer, gltron, Heretic
2, Heavy Gear 2, Parsec, Rune, Unreal Tournament, Quake3Arena, and Tribes.
I have some other games (Terminus, Soldier of Fortune, and a few others),
but haven't had a chance to test with those.
        With the man DRI branch, the Radeon 7500 has no problems with any
of the above *except* tribes2 and Quake3Arena, both of which lock up
within a few minutes of starting.

        With the TCL branch, the original Radeon has no *major* problems
with any of the above except for tuxracer (which segfaults as soon as I
load a course) and Parsec (which locks up).  Some of the other games have
slight rendering issues (trees will not render completely in Rune
depending on the angle your looking at them from, etc.)  I can go into
detail about those issues, but that could end up being a really large
        With the TCL branch, the Radeon 7500 has *major* rendering issues,
as I outlined in a previous e-mail to the list.  Just in case, I've
confirmed that the issues still exist in the TCL branch tonight that I
experienced earlier in the week.

        Now, please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the 7500 just a
speed boosted version of the original Radeon, with the same 2D and 3D


On Sun, 3 Mar 2002, Adam K Kirchhoff wrote:

>       So I've done some more playing around with the TCL branch (updated
> about an hour ago).
>       I haven't spent much time on it, but since it seems to relate to
> the problems I was experiencing earlier I thought I'd pass this tidbit
> along:  Where the Radeon 7500 is having the same problems I mentioned
> earlier with the TCL driver, the original 64 Meg DDR Radeon seems to have
> much less problems with the TCL driver.  UT and Rune are completely
> playable with the original radeon, with a few rendering issues.  Neither
> game will play with the Radeon 7500.  Instead, I just get a black display
> (I can kill X with ctrl-alt-del, though).  
>       I'll try some more apps tonight or tomorrow with the original
> radeon and report back the results.
> Adam

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