> I'm hammering my head against the wall at this moment!! You're completely 
> right, all those files should be let alone! :P
:) Please keep your head in cool dry place. We really need it.

> Luckily, the libs that came with your X 4.x should be just fine - less 
> stuff for download.
That's better!

>  From what Frank said in the beggining there will be no AGP texturing, 
"In the beginning" - will it be tomorrow, next week or next 3 months?
Just estimations - when we'll get our lovely binary snapshots..
> only DMA, i.e., you'll experience a general speedup in preformance (number 
> of triangles per second), but you'll still be limited to the memory your 
> card have, so applications that make heavy use of textures (i.e. games) 
> will have most of the same problems if high-res textures or high 
> screen-resolutions are used.
I see. And how long do you (or Frank) think it will take to do AGP

I realize it is much easier to ask question "when?" than hack the real
code, so don't bother too much answering me:)



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