<quote who="Keith Whitwell">

> Louis Garcia wrote:
> >This messages is for Keith. I am planning on getting a Radeon8500 soon
> >and would like to test the driver you are working on. Let me know. 
> Louis,  I don't even *have* an 8500, let alone a driver for one...

Well, I'm one up - at least I have an 8500 ;)

Interestingly, I just got this response from ATI regarding my request for

>   We are not providing information for 3D development (DRI Project) for the
>   8500 as of yet. This may change in the future but at this point not in
>   the near future.

I was under the impression that they had provided this information to (at
least) you, Keith, and Kevin?

Jan Schmidt                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Have you been half-asleep? Have you heard voices?
I've heard them calling my name...
 -Kermit the Frog (Rainbow Connection)


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