On 2002.05.25 13:03 Keith Whitwell wrote:
> José Fonseca wrote:
>> On 2002.05.25 11:05 Keith Whitwell wrote:
>>>> Interestingly, I just got this response from ATI regarding my request 
>>>> for
>>>> info:
>>>>>  We are not providing information for 3D development (DRI Project) 
>>>>> for the
>>>>>  8500 as of yet. This may change in the future but at this point not 
>>>>> in
>>>>>  the near future.
>>>> I was under the impression that they had provided this information to 
>>>> (at
>>>> least) you, Keith, and Kevin?
>>> I think ATI is just sick of people pestering them for specs.  They 
>>> made them available to opensource types *before* the release of the 
>>> 8500, but noone took them up or did anything with them.  Please 
>>> (everyone) don't go pestering them further...
>>> Keith
>> How did they make them available? Was something about it posted? I made 
>> a quick search on this list about it and there was no reference 
>> whatsoever...
>> Well, until Kevin (the only one with specs so far) gets the driver more 
>> in shape, the others' (with no specs) only option is to hold on to the 
>> resemblance between the Radeon 7500 and the 8500... How far are they 
>> alike?
>> This is a little sad, because while when debugging/finishing a driver 
>> the specs aren't so important as the source is more or less self 
>> documenting, to start a new driver is impossible without specs. How are 
>> we supposed to encorage people to step in to pick on new drivers if 
>> they can't get specs?
>> (IMHO: The specs should be accessible to anyone... While in certain 
>> fields this is happening due to the spread of Linux, 3D graphics isn't 
>> surely one of them. In any case we can't really blaim ATI, as they have 
>> been one of the most open and supportive in this matter so far... I 
>> hope that it won't step back though..)
> I don't think it would be at all difficult for someone who's got a track 
> record with some other chip to get the 8500 specs, but I think there's a 
> problem with lots of people requesting specs from ati & then not 
> following through.  It just gives a bad impression I think.
> Keith

Oh! That's ok then. It's understandable, even if it can be little harsh 
with newbies, it's better

I think that I'll remove from the FAQ the direct links for the specs 
requesting forms of ATI and others vendors - its existence can give the 
impression that they are easily obtainable - which is not true. As you 
said, if we pest too much we are killing the golden egg chicken and we 
must think on the future newbies that can come along. So I'll replace the 
direct links with just a link to NDA stuff, and incentivating people only 
to apply for specs once they have done some serious contribution and are 
sure that they can follow it trhough.

José Fonseca


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