
Well, thanks for your comments.

Just to lay some fears / concerns to rest...

1) It isnt done yet! :)
2) I have yet to add text nav to the main page
3) The status page is going to disappear permanently, to be merged with
the hardware page. All will becoime clear ;-) (and things that arent
hardware related will go on a 'news' page.)
4) the resources page will be reorganised and split into user and
developer sections.
5) dangling / self referencing links are either bugs, or, more likely,
simply not fixed up yet. I will ask later for people to find dangling
links, when the unfixed up ones are sorted. This includes the help us
6) A link to sourceforege project page will be added.
7) I will try and make sure all new developers read up and dont pester
ATI for specs... ;)
8) I see no harm in the DRI logo being a link to home. I'll fix it up.
9) I'll add sourceforge (And other sponsor / partner logos as I get to
10) Anyone who wants can suggest stuff that needs copyright notices
slapped on it.
11) comment about frameset backround is noted.

The goal is to: (in no particular order)

1) Make the site look that bit more 'polished'
2) Make it easier for USERS to get what they need (without them, why are
we bothering?)
3) MAke it easy for developers to get their stuff too (without them, we
wouldnt need users!)
4) General spring cleaning.

Happy hacking! :)

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