On Wed, Jun 26, 2002 at 08:51:18PM +0200, Massimiliano Lingua wrote:
>On Wed, 2002-06-26 at 16:48, José Fonseca wrote:
>> Are the ProSavage docs you have enough to get a good start on Savage4?
>their 3D engine is nearly identical. Er, I forgot, I got Savage4 docs
>too from S3/VIA. I am definetly the luckiest coder on Earth ; )

Well, at least someone of us has. That's good enough for me!

>So on a Savage4 running my hack you will see just the same as me:
>monochrome (black), smeared triangles ; (
>I am quite busy now (I have to pass this fucking law exam...), but if
>you are interested in the 2nd half of July I could send you a copy of my
>code + some comment (it should be very intuitive even without docs), so
>maybe you can guess what I am doing wrong.

I would appreciate it. But have no hurry because of me, since only on the 
26th of July I'll have access to my Savage4 card (when I return to Portugal 
in vacations), so only then I'll be able to test it myself. 

Nevertheless it would be nice to have whatever you have in CVS - as is -  so that 
others can start playing with it. If you want just send me the parts and I'll 
do the integration with the CVS myself. But only if this isn't too much
trouble for you now, of course. (I don't how big is what you have nor how
fast is your internet connection).

José Fonseca

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