Hello, this is Voyageur again. I had not tried a dri-enabled xfree for
some times, so I checked out the branch again 2 days ago, and got back to
game-testing (exams are sooooooo boring).

First of all, thanks Leif for the Gatos/DRI merge! Now I can have both
glxgears and Mplayer at the same time. And most games work quite well (if
I don't ask too much of the chip, it's not a radeon).

Second, sorry if this has been discussed before but I'm 3 months late in
dri-devel mails reading (and there are quite a few!). Now on to the

I can't give many details for now(too busy with exams), but I noticed a
strange problem of'lighting'(not sure which gl fonction gives this result)
with Emilia Pinball and Flight Gear(latest versions).

In pinball, it is as if the table isn't lit (quite black, impossible to
see the ball), but small light effects will work quit well. Screenshot at

In Flighgear (new version so the plane panel is not handled as before),
the entire panel is grey, with a few hints of the controls and numbers.
The effect is quite similar to Emilia Pinball's one. Screenshot at

But I never saw somebody complaining about this type of problem, so could
it be related to something in my config (gcc flags,...)?

                                                        Bernard Cafarelli
                                                        aka Voyageur

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