
I'm curious to know how you reminded after so long (7 months)! Did you
actually writed it now or was it stuck in a mail queue all this time?

By now I got to more or less to those answers, but thanks anyway. As saying 
goes: it's better late than never!


José Fonseca

On Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 10:17:06AM +0100, Keith Whitwell wrote:
>José Fonseca wrote:
>>The current mach64 (mesa 4.x) driver doesn't seem to be doing z depth 
>>test. After assuring that the mach64's z control register was being set 
>>properly I realized that the vertex buffers had the z in a [0,1] scale 
>>while the primitive drawing functions expected them in a a [0,0xffff].
>>The previous mach64 (mesa 3.x) driver defined the coord setup as
>>#define COORD                                                           \
>>do {                                                                    \
>>    GLfloat *win = VB->[i];                                      \
>>    v->v.x =   win[0] + xoffset;                                         \
>>    v->v.y = - win[1] + yoffset;                                         \
>>    v->v.z =   win[2];                                                   \
>>    v->v.rhw = win[3];                                                   \
>>} while (0)
>>while for example the R128 defined as
>>#define COORD                                                           \
>>do {                                                                    \
>>    GLfloat *win = VB->[i];                                      \
>>    v->v.x =               win[0] + xoffset;                             \
>>    v->v.y =             - win[1] + yoffset;                             \
>>    v->v.z = depth_scale * win[2];                                       \
>>    v->v.rhw = v->v.rhw2 = win[3];                                       \
>>} while (0)
>>So I removed the 'depth_scale' in calculation of hw_viewport, in 
>>mach64CalcViewport, and everything worked fine.
>>But I still don't understand what's the relationship between 
>>*CalcViewport and the viewport calculations made in _mesa_set_viewport. 
>>At _mesa_set_viewport, for instance, there is a comment that says "This 
>>is really driver-specific and should be maintained elsewhere if at 
>>all.". It seems that _mesa_set_viewport sets the scale to [0,MaxDepth], 
>>but the *CalcViewport in most DRI drivers "undo" this scaling, rescaling 
>>to a [0,1].
>Correct.  The _mesa_set_viewport code is really setting things up for how 
>the software rasterizer likes it's coordinates.  In the Mesa 3.x days, Mesa 
>would multiply things by the viewport (giving VB->Win), whether you wanted 
>them or not, then you'd have to undo it with code like the above.  Now, the 
>driver still 'fixes up' the viewport, but at least it doesn't have to do it 
>>My question is why the other DRI drivers do this (don't the chips expect 
>>the depths in integer format as well?) and in what depth scale should 
>>the vertex buffers be after all?
>No, there's a good mixture.  Some want floats scaled to certain values, 
>lots want floats in 0..1, all sorts of things.
>>This understanding would be important because the current mach64 
>>triangle setup engine is able to specify the z values in 16.1 format, 
>>but only the 16 integer part is being used, so I would like to implement 
>>that as well.
>Basically the responsibility for the viewport transformation has been 
>shifted to the driver.  You don't see it because it's hidden in the 
>t_dd_vbtmp (?) template, but it's the driver that really does it.
>So, you can take ndc coords (VB->ProjectedClipPtr), and manipulate them to 
>whatever twisted format the hardware likes.

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