On Wed, 18 Dec 2002, magenta wrote:
> By implementing S3TC without a patent license, the DRI team would be
> opening the DRI project up for potential litigation.

On the other hand, by being too timid, the DRI team can also eventually
doom itself to obscurity. If everybody else supports S3TC, and popular
games (which accounts for about 99% of all the 3D market in the world
right now) need it - like DOOM III apparently will do - then at some point
the relevance of DRI becomes less.

You have to balance things out. Yes, the US is litiginous, and clearly way
too much so. Is the answer to just cower in a hole and hope it passes?
Maybe. And maybe not.

Sw patents are bad. You can rant and rail against them all you want, but
as things stand now, a large portion of the badness is the _fear_ they
spread. I think allowing that fear to take over is just giving up entirely
on it.


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