Leif Delgass wrote:
Ian, now that you've merged in the software support for combine3 from the
Mesa trunk, I'm trying to get it working in hardware on R100 with texmem
(impatient as I am ;) ).  I don't have Radeon docs, so I'm guessing about
the registers.  I'm attaching a patch of what I've got.  My assumptions
corresponding MODULATE_[ADD,ADDSIGNED,SUBTRACT] with three args.  Also,
I'm assuming I can use RADEON_[COLOR,ALPHA]_ARG_A_ZERO or-ed with
_COMP_ARG_A to get GL_ONE.
Those assumptions seem to be correct. For the most part, your patch
looks a lot like what I have in my local tree. :) The only thing I did different was I overlapped the zero and one tables.

static GLuint radeon_zero_alpha[] =

Does this look right?  Ian, you mentioned seeing problems with SUBTRACT,
and in an older message you were wondering about the difference between
how r100 and r200 handle PREVIOUS.  Two questions: Did you come to any
conclusions on either of those questions? and what are you using to test
this?  I was thinking of trying to add support to the glean texcombine
test, but I wanted to see if you had something already.
WRT GL_PREVIOUS, my conclusion is that the I didn't understand the way that r200 texture combiners work. :) It's actually quite different from the r100. Based on numerous glean tests, both are correct.

About GL_SUBTRACT on r100, I just don't know. I hacked up the ttexcombine test in glean to test GL_MODULATE_*_ATI and GL_SUBTRACT. EVERY mode that uses subtraction failed on the r100. Looking at the "expected" and "got" output from glean, I could see that it was expecting the right thing, but the output was wrong.

Also, should I go ahead and commit my revised texmem patch?

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