I've looked and looked and looked and I can't work out why so maybe someone else with more experience can look at the Radeon DRM and find the cause..
With trunk, I managed to get the radeon 9000 to work till I upgraded my puter, and cvs up'd at the same time.
Now, with trunk and texmem, any software using textures locks on the 1st texture upload, to be precise, the cards read pointer becomes locked at the end of the discard packet after the 2nd texture dispatch packet. I do suspect this only occurs with large textures though (in this case the texture was 32bit 512x256) as bzflag will actually display the loading messages (very slowly mind you) then lock when loading what I presume is a bigger texture.
all the maths seems right in the drm functions seems right. It appears the logic is ok as well, although I'm really on guessing there and going on others opinions.
can anyone give me any suggestions please.

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