On Wed, 5 Mar 2003 11:54:56 -0700
Nicholas Leippe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wednesday 05 March 2003 10:54 am, Felix Kühling wrote:
> > If you use the standard library you have to start worrying about ABI
> > compatibility issues. How much trouble is it to write C++ code that can
> > be linked without the standard library. I mean avoiding things like
> > std::cout is no problem. But does C++ use the library behind your back?
> > AFAIK g++ alway implicitly links with libstdc++.
> Yes, there might be ABI issues, but doesn't the DRI already worry about 
> binary compatibility issues?

If you're referring to the libxaa and xserver problems with the binary
snapshots, that's a completely different story as Xserver, libxaa and
DRI belong together. So it's no problem to include a new xserver and
libxaa in the snapshot or offer it for download separately. You can't do
that with STL.

> Also, you can avoid linking with libstdc++ by invoking gcc as gcc rather than 
> g++.  This is what MySQL does.  But then, iirc, you have to explicitly 
> implement a new method for every class which becomes really tedious and error 
> prone.  There are probably other facilities missing then as well.
> I don't see how this would really be an issue to concern about.  Each distro 
> is going to produce their own packages anyways, which they already have to 
> build with the compiler they shipped with.

Yes, but you still have the problem with binary snapshots. Another way
would be to link the driver statically. If you use only a small subset
of the standard library the footprint should not be to dramatic. The
template instances will be in the drivers anyway, no matter whether you
link statically or dynamically.

> [snip]
> > I agree, mostly. But to me it doesn't feel right to use the STL in a
> > driver. But maybe that's just supersticion.
> Why does it not feel right?  It's just type-safe code reuse.  The question as 
> I see it is who would you rather have handle the code bloat--the compiler or 
> the coder.  You either only write the template once and reuse it for 
> different types letting the compiler generate the differences, or the 
> developer himself must rewrite the same or similar code for each different 
> type and maintain all of it.

The developer may as well implement his own container types as
templates. My point is that STL seems quite bloated and often a bit
clumsy to use. The code I wrote using STL was never exactly well
readable (maybe my own fault). It is a great abstraction, and if you
need more advanced container types and don't *want* to worry about
allocation issues, than it's a great tool. But for the purpose of a
driver I'd prefer implementing a linked list as a linked list myself.

> And in the case of the STL, if the problem has already been solved, coded, 
> and debugged, then why not use it?  It is extremely flexible and 
> customizeable.  I'm not saying that the STL necessarily has solutions for any 
> of the problems that will be encountered in this framework.  If it doesn't 
> then that's the way it is.  If it does, then unless there's some 
> unsurmountable or really practical reason not to, why reinvent the wheel?


------------    __\|/__    ___     ___       -------------------------
 Felix       ___\_e -_/___/ __\___/ __\_____   You can do anything,
   Kühling  (_____\Ä/____/ /_____/ /________)  just not everything
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]       \___/   \___/   U        at the same time.

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