On Sat, 8 Mar 2003, Brian Paul wrote:

> Nicholas Leippe wrote:
> > On Thursday 06 March 2003 08:26 am, Suzy Deffeyes wrote:
> > 
> >>Who is the audience for the table? Is it the end user checking to see if a
> >>feature is available and/or has some form of  HW acceleration?  Or is the
> >>audience the DRI developer, looking to see what pieces need implementing?
> >>That might dictate how much you put in the table, especially color coding.
> > 
> > 
> > That's a very good question that I didn't have the answer to when I reworked 
> > it.  I'm still not sure.  I get the impression from what Brian has said that 
> > he feels it's more for the end user (gl app programmer) to let them know 
> > whether a feature is available for use since he doesn't care to distinguish 
> > any further.
> > 
> > I would prefer to at least distinguishing between hw and sw support, but it's 
> > Brian's baby. :)
> I think that if you want to get into more detail about hw vs. sw features, etc 
> that it should be put below in the "Driver-specific Notes" section below.  But 
> if someone feels strongly about it and will do all the work to do something 
> fancier, that's fine.  I just don't have time for it.
> >> Nice looking table, I like it.
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks.
> So, how do I install it on the Mesa site?  Just copy the
> dri_driver_features.phtml file?  That doesn't seem to work.  I don't know 
> anything about dynamic html or html widgets.
> -Brian

First off, good work Nicholas!

I did a survey of the extensions exported by the drivers in the trunk and
texmem branches and found a few edits/corrections that I made in the
attached revision, and I also have a few questions.  You can see 
the dynamic version with my edits on the DRI site here (note that it's 
not linked to from the live pages):


Add to list:
GL_ARB_multisample - R200, R100, mga (What's necessary for a driver to 
support this?)
GL_ARB/SGIS_texture_border_clamp - R200 (texmem), R100
GL_EXT/SGIS_texture_edge_clamp - R200, R100 (texmem)
GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once - R200, R100
GL_NV_blend_square - R200, R100

GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat - R200 YES, R128 YES (texmem)
GL_EXT_stencil_wrap - i830 NO (currently disabled with #if 0)
GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap - R200 YES

GL_EXT_blend_function_separate - should be GL_EXT_blend_func_separate

Should R128 export GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias? The driver supports it but it
seems from the comment in r128_tex.c that scaling of the bias param might
not be quite correct.

The mga driver in the texmem branch exports these now, but are they really 
GL_EXT_fog_coord, GL_EXT_secondary_color, GL_EXT_stencil_wrap

There are a couple of other minor changes I had made to the version of the
table on the DRI site that aren't reflected in the dynamic version.  The
attached version has these edits and those above (at least the ones I was
sure about). 

BTW, I changed the PHP tags from '<?' to '<?php' and '<?=' to '<? echo',
since the short versions didn't work when testing on my local system with
PHP 4.1.2, and the PHP docs indicate the short versions are deprecated
since they don't work well with XHTML.

Some other enhancements I thought of that could be made: 
- show only the driver notes for the currently selected driver 
- have extensions default to "no" unless they are specified for a 
particular driver.  That would make editing/adding extensions easier.

Leif Delgass 


class Driver {
        var $exampleCards;
        var $primaryAuthors;
        var $oses;
        var $archX86;
        var $archAlpha;
        var $archPowerPC;
        var $driverName;
        var $kernelModule;
        var $xfree86_2d_driver;
        var $hardwareStencil;
        var $hardwareAlphaChannel;
        var $hardwareTCL;
        var $GL_ARB_multisample;
        var $GL_ARB_multitexture;
        var $GL_ARBSGIS_texture_border_clamp;
        var $GL_ARB_texture_cube_map;
        var $GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_add;
        var $GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_dot3;
        var $GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_combine;
        var $GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat;
        var $GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3;
        var $GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once;
        var $GL_EXT_blend_color;
        var $GL_EXT_blend_func_separate;
        var $GL_EXT_blend_logic_op;
        var $GL_EXT_blend_minmax;
        var $GL_EXT_blend_subtract;
        var $GL_EXT_fog_coord;
        var $GL_EXT_paletted_texture;
        var $GL_EXT_secondary_color;
        var $GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette;
        var $GL_EXT_stencil_wrap;
        var $GL_EXTSGIS_texture_edge_clamp;
        var $GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic;
        var $GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias;
        var $GL_MESA_pack_invert;
        var $GL_MESA_texture_ycbcr;
        var $GL_NV_blend_square;
        var $GL_NV_texture_rectangle;
        var $GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap;
        var $GLX_NV_vertex_array_range;

function addDriver($vendor, $chip) {
        global $allDrivers;
        $allDrivers[] = array($vendor, $chip);

$bgcolorYes = '"#00aa00"';
$bgcolorNo  = '"yellow"';

function bgcolor($s) {
        global $bgcolorYes;
        global $bgcolorNo;
        $lwr = strtolower($s);
        if (substr($lwr, 0, 3) == 'yes') {
                echo " bgcolor=$bgcolorYes";
        } else if (substr($lwr, 0, 2) == 'no') {
                echo " bgcolor=$bgcolorNo";

function coloredRow($label, $member = 0) {
        if (!$member) $member = $label;
        echo "  <tr>\n";
        echo "    <td colspan=\"2\">$label</td>\n";
        echo "  </tr>\n";

function coloredRowData($member) {
        global $drivers;
        foreach ($drivers as $vendor => $chips) {
                foreach ($chips as $chip => $d) {
                        echo "    <td";
                        echo ">";
                        echo $d->$member;
                        echo "</td>\n";

function row($label, $member, $tdflags = 0) {
        echo "  <tr>\n";
        echo "    <td colspan=\"2\">$label</td>\n";
        rowData($member, $tdflags);
        echo "  </tr>\n";

function rowData($member, $tdflags = 0) {
        global $drivers;
        foreach ($drivers as $vendor => $chips) {
                foreach ($chips as $chip => $d) {
                        echo "    <td";
                        if ($tdflags) echo ' ' . $tdflags;
                        echo ">";
                        echo $d->$member;
                        echo "</td>\n";

 *                               Template
/* template
$allDrivers_["vendor"]["chip"] = new Driver;
addDriver("vendor", "chip");
$d = &$allDrivers_["vendor"]["chip"];

$d->exampleCards                      = "";
$d->primaryAuthors                    = "";
$d->oses                              = "";
$d->archX86                           = "";
$d->archAlpha                         = "";
$d->archPowerPC                       = "";
$d->driverName                        = "";
$d->kernelModule                      = "";
$d->xfree86_2d_driver                 = "";
$d->hardwareStencil                   = "";
$d->hardwareAlphaChannel              = "";
$d->hardwareTCL                       = "";
$d->GL_ARB_multisample                = "";
$d->GL_ARB_multitexture               = "";
$d->GL_ARBSGIS_texture_border_clamp   = "";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_cube_map           = "";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_add         = "";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_dot3        = "";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_combine     = "";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat    = "";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3       = "";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once        = "";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_color                = "";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_func_separate        = "";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_logic_op             = "";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_minmax               = "";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_subtract             = "";
$d->GL_EXT_fog_coord                  = "";
$d->GL_EXT_paletted_texture           = "";
$d->GL_EXT_secondary_color            = "";
$d->GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette     = "";
$d->GL_EXT_stencil_wrap               = "";
$d->GL_EXTSGIS_texture_edge_clamp     = "";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic = "";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias           = "";
$d->GL_MESA_pack_invert               = "";
$d->GL_MESA_texture_ycbcr             = "";
$d->GL_NV_blend_square                = "";
$d->GL_NV_texture_rectangle           = "";
$d->GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap           = "";
$d->GLX_NV_vertex_array_range         = "";

 *                               ATI R200
$allDrivers_["ATI"]["R200"] = new Driver;
addDriver("ATI", "R200");
$d = &$allDrivers_["ATI"]["R200"];
$d->exampleCards                      = "Radeon&nbsp;8500<br>" .
                                        "Radeon&nbsp;8700<br>" .
                                        "Radeon&nbsp;9000<br>" .
$d->primaryAuthors                    = "Tungsten&nbsp;Graphics";
$d->oses                              = "Linux<br>FreeBSD";
$d->archX86                           = "YES (AGP only)";
$d->archAlpha                         = "YES";
$d->archPowerPC                       = "untested";
$d->driverName                        = "r200_dri.so";
$d->kernelModule                      = "radeon.o";
$d->xfree86_2d_driver                 = "radeon_drv.o";
$d->hardwareStencil                   = "YES (@32bpp)";
$d->hardwareAlphaChannel              = "YES (@32bpp)";
$d->hardwareTCL                       = "YES";
$d->GL_ARB_multisample                = "YES";
$d->GL_ARB_multitexture               = "YES (2?)";
$d->GL_ARBSGIS_texture_border_clamp   = "YES (texmem-0-0-1)";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_cube_map           = "YES*";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_add         = "YES";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_dot3        = "YES";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_combine     = "YES";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat    = "YES";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3       = "YES";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once        = "YES";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_color                = "YES";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_func_separate        = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_logic_op             = "YES";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_minmax               = "YES";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_subtract             = "YES";
$d->GL_EXT_fog_coord                  = "YES";
$d->GL_EXT_paletted_texture           = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_secondary_color            = "YES";
$d->GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette     = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_stencil_wrap               = "YES";
$d->GL_EXTSGIS_texture_edge_clamp     = "YES";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic = "YES";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias           = "YES";
$d->GL_MESA_pack_invert               = "YES";
$d->GL_MESA_texture_ycbcr             = "YES";
$d->GL_NV_blend_square                = "YES";
$d->GL_NV_texture_rectangle           = "YES";
$d->GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap           = "YES";
$d->GLX_NV_vertex_array_range         = "YES";

 *                               ATI R100
$allDrivers_["ATI"]["R100"] = new Driver;
addDriver("ATI", "R100");
$d = &$allDrivers_["ATI"]["R100"];
$d->exampleCards                      = "Radeon<br>" .
                                        "Radeon&nbsp;VIVO<br>" .
                                        "Radeon&nbsp;VE<br>" .
$d->primaryAuthors                    = "VA&nbsp;Linux<br>" .
$d->oses                              = "Linux<br>FreeBSD";
$d->archX86                           = "YES (AGP only)";
$d->archAlpha                         = "YES";
$d->archPowerPC                       = "YES";
$d->driverName                        = "radeon_dri.so";
$d->kernelModule                      = "radeon.o";
$d->xfree86_2d_driver                 = "radeon_drv.o";
$d->hardwareStencil                   = "YES (@32bpp)";
$d->hardwareAlphaChannel              = "YES (@32bpp)";
$d->hardwareTCL                       = "YES";
$d->GL_ARB_multisample                = "YES";
$d->GL_ARB_multitexture               = "YES (2?)";
$d->GL_ARBSGIS_texture_border_clamp   = "YES";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_cube_map           = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_add         = "YES";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_dot3        = "YES";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_combine     = "YES";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat    = "YES";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3       = "YES";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once        = "YES";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_color                = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_func_separate        = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_logic_op             = "YES";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_minmax               = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_subtract             = "YES";
$d->GL_EXT_fog_coord                  = "YES";
$d->GL_EXT_paletted_texture           = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_secondary_color            = "YES";
$d->GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette     = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_stencil_wrap               = "no";
$d->GL_EXTSGIS_texture_edge_clamp     = "YES (texmem-0-0-1)";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic = "YES";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias           = "YES";
$d->GL_MESA_pack_invert               = "no";
$d->GL_MESA_texture_ycbcr             = "no";
$d->GL_NV_blend_square                = "YES";
$d->GL_NV_texture_rectangle           = "no";
$d->GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap           = "YES";
$d->GLX_NV_vertex_array_range         = "no";

 *                               ATI R128
$allDrivers_["ATI"]["R128"] = new Driver;
addDriver("ATI", "R128");
$d = &$allDrivers_["ATI"]["R128"];
$d->exampleCards                      = "3D&nbsp;Rage&nbsp;Fury<br> " .
                                        "3D&nbsp;Rage&nbsp;Magnum<br> " .
                                        "XPERT&nbsp;2000<br> " .
                                        "XPERT&nbsp;128<br> " .
                                        "XPERT&nbsp;99<br> " .
$d->primaryAuthors                    = "Precision&nbsp;Insight<br>" .
$d->oses                              = "Linux<br>FreeBSD";
$d->archX86                           = "YES";
$d->archAlpha                         = "YES";
$d->archPowerPC                       = "YES";
$d->driverName                        = "r128_dri.so";
$d->kernelModule                      = "r128.o";
$d->xfree86_2d_driver                 = "r128_drv.o";
$d->hardwareStencil                   = "YES (@32bpp)";
$d->hardwareAlphaChannel              = "no";
$d->hardwareTCL                       = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_multisample                = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_multitexture               = "YES (2)";
$d->GL_ARBSGIS_texture_border_clamp   = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_cube_map           = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_add         = "YES";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_dot3        = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_combine     = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat    = "YES (texmem-0-0-1)";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3       = "no";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once        = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_color                = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_func_separate        = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_logic_op             = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_minmax               = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_subtract             = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_fog_coord                  = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_paletted_texture           = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_secondary_color            = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette     = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_stencil_wrap               = "no";
$d->GL_EXTSGIS_texture_edge_clamp     = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias           = "no";
$d->GL_MESA_pack_invert               = "no";
$d->GL_MESA_texture_ycbcr             = "no";
$d->GL_NV_blend_square                = "no";
$d->GL_NV_texture_rectangle           = "no";
$d->GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap           = "no";
$d->GLX_NV_vertex_array_range         = "no";

 *                               ATI Mach64
$allDrivers_["ATI"]["Mach64"] = new Driver;
addDriver("ATI", "Mach64");
$d = &$allDrivers_["ATI"]["Mach64"];
$d->exampleCards                      = "3D&nbsp;Rage&nbsp;Pro<br> " .
                                        "3D&nbsp;Rage&nbsp;LT&nbsp;Pro<br> " .
                                        "3D&nbsp;Rage&nbsp;XL<br> " .
                                        "3D&nbsp;Rage&nbsp;Mobility<br> " .
                                        "XPERT&nbsp;98/LCD/XL<br> " .
                                        "[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Work<br> " .
$d->primaryAuthors                    = "Gareth&nbsp;Hughes<br>" .
                                        "Leif&nbsp;Delgass<br>" .
$d->oses                              = "Linux";
$d->archX86                           = "YES";
$d->archAlpha                         = "untested";
$d->archPowerPC                       = "YES (MMIO)";
$d->driverName                        = "mach64_dri.so";
$d->kernelModule                      = "mach64.o";
$d->xfree86_2d_driver                 = "ati_drv.o, atimisc_drv.o";
$d->hardwareStencil                   = "no";
$d->hardwareAlphaChannel              = "no";
$d->hardwareTCL                       = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_multisample                = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_multitexture               = "YES (2)";
$d->GL_ARBSGIS_texture_border_clamp   = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_cube_map           = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_add         = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_dot3        = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_combine     = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat    = "no";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3       = "no";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once        = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_color                = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_func_separate        = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_logic_op             = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_minmax               = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_subtract             = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_fog_coord                  = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_paletted_texture           = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_secondary_color            = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette     = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_stencil_wrap               = "no";
$d->GL_EXTSGIS_texture_edge_clamp     = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias           = "no";
$d->GL_MESA_pack_invert               = "no";
$d->GL_MESA_texture_ycbcr             = "no";
$d->GL_NV_blend_square                = "no";
$d->GL_NV_texture_rectangle           = "no";
$d->GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap           = "no";
$d->GLX_NV_vertex_array_range         = "no";

 *                               Intel i810/8i5
$allDrivers_["Intel"]["i810/815"] = new Driver;
addDriver("Intel", "i810/815");
$d = &$allDrivers_["Intel"]["i810/815"];
$d->exampleCards                      = "i810/815 chipsets";
$d->primaryAuthors                    = "Precision&nbsp;Insight<br>VA&nbsp;Linux";
$d->oses                              = "Linux";
$d->archX86                           = "YES";
$d->archAlpha                         = "no";
$d->archPowerPC                       = "no";
$d->driverName                        = "i810_dri.so";
$d->kernelModule                      = "i810.o";
$d->xfree86_2d_driver                 = "i810_drv.o";
$d->hardwareStencil                   = "no";
$d->hardwareAlphaChannel              = "no";
$d->hardwareTCL                       = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_multisample                = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_multitexture               = "YES (2)";
$d->GL_ARBSGIS_texture_border_clamp   = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_cube_map           = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_add         = "YES";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_dot3        = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_combine     = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat    = "no";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3       = "no";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once        = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_color                = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_func_separate        = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_logic_op             = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_minmax               = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_subtract             = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_fog_coord                  = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_paletted_texture           = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_secondary_color            = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette     = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_stencil_wrap               = "YES";
$d->GL_EXTSGIS_texture_edge_clamp     = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias           = "YES";
$d->GL_MESA_pack_invert               = "no";
$d->GL_MESA_texture_ycbcr             = "no";
$d->GL_NV_blend_square                = "no";
$d->GL_NV_texture_rectangle           = "no";
$d->GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap           = "no";
$d->GLX_NV_vertex_array_range         = "no";

 *                               Intel i830/845
$allDrivers_["Intel"]["i830/845"] = new Driver;
addDriver("Intel", "i830/845");
$d = &$allDrivers_["Intel"]["i830/845"];
$d->exampleCards                      = "i830/845 chipsets";
$d->primaryAuthors                    = "2D/3D, others";
$d->oses                              = "Linux";
$d->archX86                           = "YES";
$d->archAlpha                         = "no";
$d->archPowerPC                       = "no";
$d->driverName                        = "i830_dri.so";
$d->kernelModule                      = "i830.o";
$d->xfree86_2d_driver                 = "i810_drv.o";
$d->hardwareStencil                   = "YES (@32bpp)";
$d->hardwareAlphaChannel              = "YES (@32bpp)";
$d->hardwareTCL                       = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_multisample                = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_multitexture               = "YES (2)";
$d->GL_ARBSGIS_texture_border_clamp   = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_cube_map           = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_add         = "YES";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_dot3        = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_combine     = "YES";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat    = "no";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3       = "no";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once        = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_color                = "YES";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_func_separate        = "YES";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_logic_op             = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_minmax               = "YES";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_subtract             = "YES";
$d->GL_EXT_fog_coord                  = "YES";
$d->GL_EXT_paletted_texture           = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_secondary_color            = "YES";
$d->GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette     = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_stencil_wrap               = "no";
$d->GL_EXTSGIS_texture_edge_clamp     = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias           = "YES";
$d->GL_MESA_pack_invert               = "no";
$d->GL_MESA_texture_ycbcr             = "no";
$d->GL_NV_blend_square                = "no";
$d->GL_NV_texture_rectangle           = "no";
$d->GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap           = "no";
$d->GLX_NV_vertex_array_range         = "no";

 *                               Matrox G200/400
$allDrivers_["Matrox"]["G200/400"] = new Driver;
addDriver("Matrox", "G200/400");
$d = &$allDrivers_["Matrox"]["G200/400"];
$d->exampleCards                      = "Millenium&nbsp;G200<br>" .
                                        "Millenium&nbsp;G400<br>" .
                                        "Millenium&nbsp;G450<br>" .
$d->primaryAuthors                    = "Precision&nbsp;Insight<br>" .
$d->oses                              = "Linux<br>FreeBSD";
$d->archX86                           = "YES";
$d->archAlpha                         = "no";
$d->archPowerPC                       = "untested";
$d->driverName                        = "mga_dri.so";
$d->kernelModule                      = "mga.o";
$d->xfree86_2d_driver                 = "mga_drv.o";
$d->hardwareStencil                   = "YES (@32bpp)";
$d->hardwareAlphaChannel              = "YES (@32bpp)";
$d->hardwareTCL                       = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_multisample                = "YES";
$d->GL_ARB_multitexture               = "YES (G200:1, G400:2)";
$d->GL_ARBSGIS_texture_border_clamp   = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_cube_map           = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_add         = "YES";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_dot3        = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_combine     = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat    = "no";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3       = "no";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once        = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_color                = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_func_separate        = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_logic_op             = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_minmax               = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_subtract             = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_fog_coord                  = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_paletted_texture           = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_secondary_color            = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette     = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_stencil_wrap               = "no";
$d->GL_EXTSGIS_texture_edge_clamp     = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias           = "no";
$d->GL_MESA_pack_invert               = "no";
$d->GL_MESA_texture_ycbcr             = "no";
$d->GL_NV_blend_square                = "no";
$d->GL_NV_texture_rectangle           = "no";
$d->GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap           = "YES";
$d->GLX_NV_vertex_array_range         = "no";

 *                               3dfx Voodoo3
$allDrivers_["3dfx"]["Voodoo3"] = new Driver;
addDriver("3dfx", "Voodoo3");
$d = &$allDrivers_["3dfx"]["Voodoo3"];
$d->exampleCards                      = "Voodoo3<br>" .
                                        "Banshee<br>" .
$d->primaryAuthors                    = "Precision&nbsp;Insight<br>" .
$d->oses                              = "Linux<br>FreeBSD";
$d->archX86                           = "YES";
$d->archAlpha                         = "YES";
$d->archPowerPC                       = "untested";
$d->driverName                        = "tdfx_dri.so";
$d->kernelModule                      = "tdfx.o";
$d->xfree86_2d_driver                 = "tdfx_drv.o";
$d->hardwareStencil                   = "no";
$d->hardwareAlphaChannel              = "no";
$d->hardwareTCL                       = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_multisample                = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_multitexture               = "YES (2)";
$d->GL_ARBSGIS_texture_border_clamp   = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_cube_map           = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_add         = "YES";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_dot3        = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_combine     = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat    = "no";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3       = "no";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once        = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_color                = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_func_separate        = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_logic_op             = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_minmax               = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_subtract             = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_fog_coord                  = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_paletted_texture           = "YES";
$d->GL_EXT_secondary_color            = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette     = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_stencil_wrap               = "no";
$d->GL_EXTSGIS_texture_edge_clamp     = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias           = "YES";
$d->GL_MESA_pack_invert               = "no";
$d->GL_MESA_texture_ycbcr             = "no";
$d->GL_NV_blend_square                = "no";
$d->GL_NV_texture_rectangle           = "no";
$d->GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap           = "no";
$d->GLX_NV_vertex_array_range         = "no";

 *                               3dfx Voodoo5
$allDrivers_["3dfx"]["Voodoo5"] = new Driver;
addDriver("3dfx", "Voodoo5");
$d = &$allDrivers_["3dfx"]["Voodoo5"];
$d->exampleCards                      = "Voodoo4&nbsp;4500<br>" .
$d->primaryAuthors                    = "Precision&nbsp;Insight<br>" .
$d->oses                              = "Linux<br>FreeBSD";
$d->archX86                           = "YES";
$d->archAlpha                         = "YES";
$d->archPowerPC                       = "untested";
$d->driverName                        = "tdfx_dri.so";
$d->kernelModule                      = "tdfx.o";
$d->xfree86_2d_driver                 = "tdfx_drv.o";
$d->hardwareStencil                   = "YES (@32bpp)";
$d->hardwareAlphaChannel              = "YES (@32bpp)";
$d->hardwareTCL                       = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_multisample                = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_multitexture               = "YES (2)";
$d->GL_ARBSGIS_texture_border_clamp   = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_cube_map           = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_add         = "YES";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_dot3        = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_combine     = "YES";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat    = "no";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3       = "no";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once        = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_color                = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_func_separate        = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_logic_op             = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_minmax               = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_subtract             = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_fog_coord                  = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_paletted_texture           = "YES";
$d->GL_EXT_secondary_color            = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette     = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_stencil_wrap               = "YES";
$d->GL_EXTSGIS_texture_edge_clamp     = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias           = "YES";
$d->GL_MESA_pack_invert               = "no";
$d->GL_MESA_texture_ycbcr             = "no";
$d->GL_NV_blend_square                = "no";
$d->GL_NV_texture_rectangle           = "no";
$d->GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap           = "no";
$d->GLX_NV_vertex_array_range         = "no";

 *                               3DLabs
$allDrivers_["3DLabs"]["Gamma"] = new Driver;
addDriver("3DLabs", "Gamma");
$d = &$allDrivers_["3DLabs"]["Gamma"];
$d->exampleCards                      = "Oxygen&nbsp;GMX&nbsp;2000";
$d->primaryAuthors                    = "Precision&nbsp;Insight";
$d->oses                              = "Linux";
$d->archX86                           = "YES";
$d->archAlpha                         = "no";
$d->archPowerPC                       = "no";
$d->driverName                        = "gamma_dri.so";
$d->kernelModule                      = "gamma.o";
$d->xfree86_2d_driver                 = "glint_drv.o";
$d->hardwareStencil                   = "no";
$d->hardwareAlphaChannel              = "YES (@32bpp)";
$d->hardwareTCL                       = "YES";
$d->GL_ARB_multisample                = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_multitexture               = "no";
$d->GL_ARBSGIS_texture_border_clamp   = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_cube_map           = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_add         = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_dot3        = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_combine     = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat    = "no";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3       = "no";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once        = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_color                = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_func_separate        = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_logic_op             = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_minmax               = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_subtract             = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_fog_coord                  = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_paletted_texture           = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_secondary_color            = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette     = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_stencil_wrap               = "no";
$d->GL_EXTSGIS_texture_edge_clamp     = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias           = "no";
$d->GL_MESA_pack_invert               = "no";
$d->GL_MESA_texture_ycbcr             = "no";
$d->GL_NV_blend_square                = "no";
$d->GL_NV_texture_rectangle           = "no";
$d->GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap           = "no";
$d->GLX_NV_vertex_array_range         = "no";

 *                               Sun
$allDrivers_["Sun"]["FFB"] = new Driver;
addDriver("Sun", "FFB");
$d = &$allDrivers_["Sun"]["FFB"];
$d->exampleCards                      = "Creator<br>" .
$d->primaryAuthors                    = "Red&nbsp;Hat";
$d->oses                              = "Linux";
$d->archX86                           = "YES";
$d->archAlpha                         = "no";
$d->archPowerPC                       = "no";
$d->driverName                        = "ffb_dri.so";
$d->kernelModule                      = "?";
$d->xfree86_2d_driver                 = "sunffb_drv.o";
$d->hardwareStencil                   = "YES (bpp?)";
$d->hardwareAlphaChannel              = "YES (@32bpp)";
$d->hardwareTCL                       = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_multisample                = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_multitexture               = "no";
$d->GL_ARBSGIS_texture_border_clamp   = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_cube_map           = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_add         = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_dot3        = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_combine     = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat    = "no";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3       = "no";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once        = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_color                = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_func_separate        = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_logic_op             = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_minmax               = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_subtract             = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_fog_coord                  = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_paletted_texture           = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_secondary_color            = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette     = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_stencil_wrap               = "no";
$d->GL_EXTSGIS_texture_edge_clamp     = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias           = "no";
$d->GL_MESA_pack_invert               = "no";
$d->GL_MESA_texture_ycbcr             = "no";
$d->GL_NV_blend_square                = "no";
$d->GL_NV_texture_rectangle           = "no";
$d->GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap           = "no";
$d->GLX_NV_vertex_array_range         = "no";

 *                               S3
$allDrivers_["S3"]["Virge"] = new Driver;
addDriver("S3", "Virge");
$d = &$allDrivers_["S3"]["Virge"];
$d->exampleCards                      = "card names?";
$d->primaryAuthors                    = "Max&nbsp;Lingua";
$d->oses                              = "Linux";
$d->archX86                           = "YES";
$d->archAlpha                         = "no";
$d->archPowerPC                       = "no";
$d->driverName                        = "s3v_dri.so";
$d->kernelModule                      = "s3v.o ?";
$d->xfree86_2d_driver                 = "s3virge_drv.o";
$d->hardwareStencil                   = "?";
$d->hardwareAlphaChannel              = "?";
$d->hardwareTCL                       = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_multisample                = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_multitexture               = "no";
$d->GL_ARBSGIS_texture_border_clamp   = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_cube_map           = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_add         = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_dot3        = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_combine     = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat    = "no";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3       = "no";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once        = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_color                = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_func_separate        = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_logic_op             = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_minmax               = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_subtract             = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_fog_coord                  = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_paletted_texture           = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_secondary_color            = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette     = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_stencil_wrap               = "no";
$d->GL_EXTSGIS_texture_edge_clamp     = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias           = "no";
$d->GL_MESA_pack_invert               = "no";
$d->GL_MESA_texture_ycbcr             = "no";
$d->GL_NV_blend_square                = "no";
$d->GL_NV_texture_rectangle           = "no";
$d->GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap           = "no";
$d->GLX_NV_vertex_array_range         = "no";

 *                               SiS
$allDrivers_["SiS"]["??"] = new Driver;
addDriver("SiS", "??");
$d = &$allDrivers_["SiS"]["??"];
$d->exampleCards                      = "card names?";
$d->primaryAuthors                    = "SiS";
$d->oses                              = "Linux";
$d->archX86                           = "YES";
$d->archAlpha                         = "no";
$d->archPowerPC                       = "no";
$d->driverName                        = "sis_dri.so";
$d->kernelModule                      = "sis.o ?";
$d->xfree86_2d_driver                 = "sis_drv.o";
$d->hardwareStencil                   = "YES (bpp?)";
$d->hardwareAlphaChannel              = "YES (bpp?)";
$d->hardwareTCL                       = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_multisample                = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_multitexture               = "no";
$d->GL_ARBSGIS_texture_border_clamp   = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_cube_map           = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_add         = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_dot3        = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_combine     = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat    = "no";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3       = "no";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once        = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_color                = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_func_separate        = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_logic_op             = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_minmax               = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_subtract             = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_fog_coord                  = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_paletted_texture           = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_secondary_color            = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette     = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_stencil_wrap               = "no";
$d->GL_EXTSGIS_texture_edge_clamp     = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias           = "no";
$d->GL_MESA_pack_invert               = "no";
$d->GL_MESA_texture_ycbcr             = "no";
$d->GL_NV_blend_square                = "no";
$d->GL_NV_texture_rectangle           = "no";
$d->GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap           = "no";
$d->GLX_NV_vertex_array_range         = "no";

 *                               Trident
$allDrivers_["Trident"]["Trident"] = new Driver;
addDriver("Trident", "Trident");
$d = &$allDrivers_["Trident"]["Trident"];
$d->exampleCards                      = "CyberBladeXP";
$d->primaryAuthors                    = "Alan&nbsp;Hourihane";
$d->oses                              = "Linux";
$d->archX86                           = "YES";
$d->archAlpha                         = "no";
$d->archPowerPC                       = "no";
$d->driverName                        = "trident_dri.so";
$d->kernelModule                      = "trident.o ?";
$d->xfree86_2d_driver                 = "trident_drv.o";
$d->hardwareStencil                   = "no";
$d->hardwareAlphaChannel              = "no";
$d->hardwareTCL                       = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_multisample                = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_multitexture               = "no";
$d->GL_ARBSGIS_texture_border_clamp   = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_cube_map           = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_add         = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_dot3        = "no";
$d->GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_combine     = "no";
$d->GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat    = "no";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3       = "no";
$d->GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once        = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_color                = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_func_separate        = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_logic_op             = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_minmax               = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_blend_subtract             = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_fog_coord                  = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_paletted_texture           = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_secondary_color            = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette     = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_stencil_wrap               = "no";
$d->GL_EXTSGIS_texture_edge_clamp     = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic = "no";
$d->GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias           = "no";
$d->GL_MESA_pack_invert               = "no";
$d->GL_MESA_texture_ycbcr             = "no";
$d->GL_NV_blend_square                = "no";
$d->GL_NV_texture_rectangle           = "no";
$d->GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap           = "no";
$d->GLX_NV_vertex_array_range         = "no";

/* don't clobber last entry due to lingering reference */

 *                          Process Form Data

if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['driversSelected'])) {
        $driversSelected = &$HTTP_POST_VARS['driversSelected'];
} else {
        $driversSelected[] = 'all';

//$driversSelected[] = 'all';
$driversSelected[1] = true;
$driversSelected[3] = true;
$driversSelected[7] = true;

if ($driversSelected[0] == 'all') {
        $drivers = &$allDrivers_;
} else {
        foreach ($driversSelected as $k => $v) {
                $vendor = $allDrivers[$v][0];
                $chip   = $allDrivers[$v][1];
                $drivers[$vendor][$chip] = $allDrivers_[$vendor][$chip];

    <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="0">
          <td align="center">
            <h2>Summary of DRI driver features</h2>
    <form method="POST" action="<?php echo $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF'] ?>">
    <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" border="0">
          <td valign="top">
Select drivers to view:
      <select multiple name="driversSelected[]" size="4">
        <option value="all">- all -</option>
        foreach($allDrivers as $k => $v) {
        <option value="<?php echo  $k ?>"><?php echo "$v[0] $v[1]" ?></option>
<?php   } ?>
      <input type="submit" value="Go">
      <table border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
          <td colspan="2">Vendor</td>
foreach ($drivers as $vendor => $value) {
          <td colspan="<?php echo count($value); ?>" align="center" 
bgcolor="black"><font color="white"><?php echo $vendor ?></font></td>
<?php } ?>
          <td colspan="2">Chip family</td>
foreach ($drivers as $vendor => $chips) {
        foreach ($chips as $chip => $d) {
          <td><?php echo $chip ?></td>
<?php }
} ?>
row("Example Cards",     "exampleCards",   "valign=\"top\"");
row("Primary Authors",   "primaryAuthors", "valign=\"top\"");
row("Operating Systems", "oses",           "valign=\"top\"");
          <td rowspan="3">Architecture</td>
<?php coloredRowData("archX86", "valign=\"top\""); ?>
<?php coloredRowData("archAlpha", "valign=\"top\""); ?>
<?php coloredRowData("archPowerPC", "valign=\"top\""); ?>
row("Driver Name",       "driverName");
row("Kernel Module",     "kernelModule");
row("2D XFree86 Driver", "xfree86_2d_driver");

coloredRow("Hardware Stencil",                 "hardwareStencil");
coloredRow("Hardware Alpha Channel",           "hardwareAlphaChannel");
coloredRow("Hardware TCL",                     "hardwareTCL");
coloredRow("GL_ARB_multitexture (units)",      "GL_ARB_multitexture");
coloredRow("GL_ARB/SGIS_texture_border_clamp", "GL_ARBSGIS_texture_border_clamp");
coloredRow("GL_ARB/EXT_texture_env_add",       "GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_add");
coloredRow("GL_ARB/EXT_texture_env_dot3",      "GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_dot3");
coloredRow("GL_ARB/EXT_texture_env_combine",   "GL_ARBEXT_texture_env_combine");
coloredRow("GL_EXT/SGIS_texture_edge_clamp",    "GL_EXTSGIS_texture_edge_clamp");

        OpenGL Extensions enabled in all DRI drivers:
        <li>GL_EXT_texture3D (in software)</li>

    <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="0">
          <td align="center">
            <h2>Driver-specific Notes</h2>

<A NAME="R200">
<H2>ATI RADEON R200</H2>
The following OpenGL features are implemented in software:
<LI>Blend subtract, blend min/max and blend logicops
<LI>Accumulation buffer
<LI>3D textures
<LI>Texture borders

The following environment variables are available.
Most are for debugging purposes only.
<LI><B>R200_NO_IRQS</B> - Do not use IRQs.
<LI><B>R200_NO_USLEEPS</B> - Do not use usleep().
<LI><B>R200_NO_TCL</B> - Don't use TCL hardware.
<LI><B>R200_NO_VTXFMT</B> - Don't use vtx code path.
<LI><B>R200_NO_ALLOC</B> - Disable r200AllocateMemoryNV().
<LI><B>R200_NO_BLITS</B> - Don't use hardware glRead/DrawPixel paths.
<LI><B>R200_NO_CODEGEN</B> - Don't use dynamic code generation.

<A NAME="R100">
<H2>ATI RADEON (R100)</H2>

The following OpenGL features are implemented in software:
<LI>Blend subtract, blend min/max and blend logicops
<LI>Accumulation buffer
<LI>1D and 3D textures
<LI>Texture borders

The following environment variables are available.
Most are for debugging purposes only.
<LI><B>RADEON_COMPAT</B> - Force using the old (1.1) radeon kernel module
<LI><B>LIBGL_PERFORMANCE_BOXES</B> - Display colored boxes to help identify
<LI><B>RADEON_NO_IRQS</B> - Do not use IRQs.
<LI><B>RADEON_NO_USLEEPS</B> - Do not use usleep().
<LI><B>RADEON_TCL_FORCE_ENABLE</B> - Force use of hardware TCL.
<LI><B>RADEON_TCL_FORCE_DISABLE</B> - Don't use hardware TCL.
<LI><B>RADEON_NO_VTXFMT</B> - Don't use vtx code path.
<LI><B>RADEON_NO_CODEGEN</B> - Don't use dynamic code generation.

<A NAME="R128">
<H2>ATI Rage128</H2>

While PCI Rage 128 based cards are supported, they do not yet support
PCI GART, so they will not perform as well as their AGP counterparts.
For AGP cards, the AGP mode may be set to 1, 2, or 4.
One is used by default.
Higher AGP speeds may result in unreliable performance depending on your
The following OpenGL features are implemented in software:
<LI>accumulation buffer operations
<LI>Blend subtract, min/max and logic op blend modes
<LI>1D and 3D textures
<LI>Texture borders
If you experience stability problems you may try setting the UseCCEFor2D
option to true.
This will effectively disable 2D hardware acceleration.
Performance will be degraded, of course. 

<H2>ATI Mach64</H2>
Both PCI and AGP cards are supported.  The AGP mode may be set to 1 or 2. The driver 
supports 16- and 24-bit (32 bpp framebuffer) color depths, but 16-bit depth is 
recommended for the best performance.  The maximum 3D accelerated resolution/mode may 
be limited by the size of on-card memory (especially for PCI cards).  
The following OpenGL features are implemented in software:
<LI>Accumulation buffer operations
<LI>Stencil operations
<LI>Blend subtract, min/max and logic op blend modes
<LI>1D and 3D textures
<LI>Texture borders
<LI>GL_BLEND texture environment mode
<LI>Texture environments which modulate alpha values (At*Af) are fallbacks
    or non-compliant (e.g. RGBA textures with MODULATE environment may be 
    non-compliant when alpha blending).
<LI>Polygon, line and point smoothing (anti-aliasing) or stippling
<LI>The ARB/EXT_texture_env_[add,dot3,combine] extensions are not
    exported by default; however, setting DRI_MACH64_OGL13=1 will export 
    these extensions and a few others to get glxinfo to report OpenGL 1.3,
    with the extensions being software fallbacks or no-ops.
Other limitations:
<LI>Mipmaps are not supported.
<LI>Fog is disabled if alpha blending is enabled, but hardware accelerated when alpha 
blending is not enabled.
Extensions which might be doable in hardware, but not currently
<LI>GL_EXT_paletted_texture - not sure about this, but the hardware seems
    to support a 2K texture palette in RGB 565.
<LI>GL_ARB_texture_compression - would need an extension to implement 4:1
    VQ texture compression supported by the hardware.
The following environment variables are available. Most are for debugging purposes 
<LI><B>LIBGL_PERFORMANCE_BOXES</B> - Display colored boxes to help identify
<LI><B>DRI_MACH64_OGL13</B> - Add software fallbacks to support OpenGL 1.3
<LI><B>DRI_MACH64_DEBUG</B> - Produces verbose debugging output.  Accepts a comma 
separated list of parameters: 'all' OR 
'sync,api,msg,lru,dri,ioctl,prims,count,nowait'.  Of these, two affect driver 
behavior: 'sync' forces an idle wait at the end of each frame (buffer swap), and 
'nowait' disables frame-rate throttling.

<H2>3dfx Voodoo3/4/5/Banshee</H2>

Normally, buffer swapping in double-buffered applications is
synchronized to your monitor's refresh rate. This may be overridden by
setting the FX_GLIDE_SWAPINTERVAL environment variable. The value of
this variable indicates the maximum number of swap buffer commands can
be buffered. Zero allows maximum frame rate.
On Voodoo4/5, rendering with 16-bits/texel textures is faster than
using 32-bit per texel textures. The internalFormat parameter to
glTexImage2D can be used to control texel size. Quake3 and other games
let you control this as well.
The glTexEnv mode GL_BLEND is not directly
supported by the Voodoo3 hardware. It can be accomplished with a
multipass algorithm but it's not implemented at this time.
Applications which use that mode, such as the Performer Town demo,
may become sluggish when falling back to software rendering to
render in that mode.
The Voodoo3/Banshee driver reverts to software rendering under the
following conditions:
<LI>Enabling line stippling or polygon stippling.
<LI>Enabling point smoothing or polygon smoothing.
<LI>Enabling line smoothing when line width is not 1.0. That is,
    antialiased lines are done in hardware only when the line width is 1.0.
<LI>Using 1-D or 3-D texture maps.
<LI>Using the GL_BLEND texture environment.
<LI>Using stencil operations.
<LI>Using the accumulation buffer.
<LI>Using glBlendEquation(GL_LOGIC_OP).
<LI>Using glDrawBuffer(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK).
<LI>Using glPolygonMode(face, GL_POINT) or glPolygonMode(face, GL_LINE).
<LI>Using point size attenuation (i.e. GL_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION_EXT).
<LI>Using glColorMask(r, g, b, a) when r!=g or g!=b.
The Voodoo5 driver reverts to software rendering under the same
conditions Voodoo3 with three exceptions. First, stencil operations
are implemented in hardware when the screen is configured for 32
bits/pixel. Second, the GL_BLEND texture env mode is fully supported
in hardware. Third, glColorMask is fully supported in hardware when
the screen is configured for 32 bits/pixel.
As of January, 2001 the second VSA-100 chip on the Voodoo5 is not
yet operational. Therefore, the board isn't being used to its full
capacity. The second VSA-100 chip will allow Scan-Line Interleave
(SLI) mode for full-screen applications and games, potentially
doubling the system's fill rate. When the second VSA-100 chip is
activated glGetString(GL_RENDERER) will report Voodoo5 instead of
Known Problems
<LI>The lowest mipmap level is sometimes miscolored in trilinear-sampled
    polygons (Voodoo3/Banshee).
<LI>Fog doesn't work with orthographic projections.
<LI>The accuracy of blending operations on Voodoo4/5 isn't always very
    good. If you run Glean, you'll find some test failures.
<LI>The Glide library cannot be used directly; it's only meant to be used
    via the tdfx DRI driver.
<LI>SSystem has problems because of poorly set near and far clipping
    planes. The office.unc Performer model also suffers from this problem.

<A NAME="I810">
<H2>Intel i810/i815</H2>

3D acceleration for the i810 is only available in the 16 bit/pixel screen
mode at this time. 32bpp acceleration is not supported by this hardware.
Use xdpyinfo to verify that all your visuals are depth 16.
 Edit your XF86Config file if needed.
The i810 uses system ram for video and 3d graphics.
The X server will ordinarily reserve 4mb of ram for graphics, which is
too little for an effective 3d setup.
To tell the driver to use a larger amount, specify a VideoRam option in
the Device section of your XF86Config file.
A number between 10000 and 16384 seems adequate for most requirements.
If too little memory is available for DMA buffers, back and depth buffers
 and textures, direct rendering will be disabled.
Basically all of the i810 features which can be exposed through OpenGL
1.2 are implemented.
However, the following OpenGL features are implemented in software and
will be slow:
<LI>Accumulation buffer operations
<LI>Blend subtract, min/max and logic op blend modes
<LI>glColorMask when any mask is set to false
<LI>Using 1D or 3D textures
<LI>Using texture borders

<A NAME="I830">
<H2>Intel i830/i845</H2>


<H2>Matrox G200/400/450</H2>

The AGP mode may be set to 1, 2, or 4. One is used by default.
Higher AGP speeds may result in unreliable performance depending on
your motherboard.
Compaq has funded the implementation of AGP accelerated ReadPixels and
DrawPixels in this driver. With this implementation, on a G400 drawing
directly from AGP memory (exported to the client), throughput of up to
1 GB/sec has been measured.
Additionally Compaq's funding has produced several new extensions in Mesa,
including one (packed_depth_stencil_MESA) which enables Read/DrawPixels
functionality to operate directly on the packed 24/8 depth/stencil buffers
of this hardware.
In order to access this functionality, the application must ensure
that all pixel processing operations are disabled. There are in
addition a fairly complex set of rules regarding which
packing/unpacking modes must be used, and which data formats are
supported, and alignment constraints. See the files in
lib/GL/mesa/src/drv/mga/DOCS for a summary of these. The extension
definitions are included in the Mesa 3.4 source distribution.
<H3>IRQ Assignment</H3>
There have been problems in the past with the MGA driver being very
sluggish when the DRI is enabled (to the point of being unusable.)
This is caused by the graphics card not having an interrupt assigned
to it. The current DRI code will attempt to detect this condition and
bail out gracefully.
The solution to the above problem is to assign an interrupt to your
graphics card. This is something you must turn on in your system BIOS
configuration. Please consult your system BIOS manual for instructions
on how to enable an interrupt for your graphics card.
<H3>MGA HAL lib</H3>
MGAHALlib.a is a binary library Matrox has provided for use under
Linux to expose functionality for which they can not provide
documentation. (For example TV-Out requires MacroVision be enabled on
the output.) This binary library also sets the pixel/memory clocks to
the optimal settings for your Matrox card.
Currently the MGAHAL library is required for the G450 to work. You can
download this from the driver section on Matrox's website:
Here modifications to the DRI build instructions which make the mga
ddx driver use the MGAHAL library:
<LI>Put the following define in your host.def file</LI>
     #define UseMatroxHal YES
<LI>Place mgaHALlib.a in the following directory
You can use DualHead on the G400/G450 DH cards by creating two device
sections which both point to the same BusID. For most AGP devices the
BusID will be "PCI:1:0:0". Configure your screen section as you would
normally configure XFree86 4.x Multihead. It should be noted that
currently the second head does not support direct rendering.

Software rendering will be used under any of the following conditions:
<LI>Using glDrawBuffer(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK).
<LI>Using point, line, or triangle smoothing.
<LI>Using glLogicOp.
<LI>Using glPolygonStipple or glLineStipple.
<LI>Using 1D or 3D textures.
<LI>Using texture borders.
<LI>Using glDepthFunc(GL_NEVER).
<LI>Using the accumulation buffer.

<H2>3DLabs Gamma</H2>


<H2>Sun FFB</H2>


<A NAME="S3V">
<H2>S3 Virge</H2>




<H2>Trident CyberBladeXP</H2>



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