Hello Jose (I don't know how to type the accent on my keyboard),

On Sun, Jun 15, 2003 at 09:21:18PM +0200, Martin Spott wrote:

> I'll redo the debug output on monday - just to make shure I did not make any
> mistake. I'm doing this with an OEM Radeon9100. Unfortunately I gave away my
> Radeon7500 so I don't have any different test case,

This is what I have to offer today. This time I reloaded 'radeon' _and_
'agpgart' kernel module. Afterwards I'm simply starting the X server
without running any additional OpenGL program (no X session at all).
Today's kernel modules include the recent changes to DRI CVS you added this
weekend (taken from the patch called 'drm-really-agp.diff').

Note: I've applied the patches drm_agp-debug.diff, drm_agp-debug2.diff and
drm-really-agp.diff to my kernel tree only as I don't believe that the DRI
drivers refer to these headers. The rest of the DRI stuff is compiled from
a source tree _without_ these patches. Does this matter in any way ?

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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