
 sorry, the mail server handling the mailing list is being bitchy.
 Hopefully this will work.

--- Begin Message ---

 a couple months from now I might find myself with a bit of free time in
 my hands, which I'd like to partially spend working on (free) software
 project.  In the last year or so I haven't been following the DRI
 development in any fashion that I could even call "following".  Every
 now and then I skim the mailing lists, so I have an extremely coarse
 feeling about where things are.  I'm aware several parties are working
 on the Mesa side of things for supporting ARB vertex programs and ARB
 fragment programs, and from what I read, there's a parser in the works,
 state binding stuff, and things along those lines.

 For what I've got no feeling whatsoever is the hardware support side of
 things (in terms of DRI support).  The R200 does not have support for
 vertex nor fragment programs.  The R300 supports both, but according to
 the status page none of the R300 chips are yet supported.  Sadly the
 status page doesn't mention why the R300 and up is not yet supported
 (i.e., what needs to be done?) or if there are short-term plans for
 having support for these cards (i.e. people writing it now).

 Assuming the R300 gets supported in the near term future, there's still
 the question of documentation from ATI.  Here's where I'm asking for
 help from people with access to ATI's developement docs: is the
 required documentation for implementing vertex/fragment program support
 provided?  If not, is there a chance that it will be provided?

 Like I said, I'm just thinking about this, but I'd like to have some
 extra information in advance, since if this works out I'd need to shell
 out a few hundred bucks for a card in the first place and then
 reschedule things accordingly.

 Thanks in advance,


--- End Message ---

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