Over a last few days, I've been working on a tool to allow watching
a live view of the texture usage of a DRI application. I'm not going to
go into a lot of detail here - there is a more complete description at:

And an even more complete README files linked to from here, but the 10
second description of the change to the DRI source code is this:

If the LIBGL_PROFILE_SERVER is set to [HOST]:PORT, then a separate
thread is created that connects to the server and waits for the 
server to request updates. In request to each UPDATE command, it 
dumps all the creations/deletions/modifications of the state 
back to the server via a text-based protoocl.

I've attached the header file for the new internal 'texprof.h' to the
mail. It's pretty clean and  simple to use ... the changes to the Savage
driver to support texture profiling aren't large. That's the only
card I've written support for, since I wanted to concentrate on getting
the framework working. It may be possible to get a lot of the other
cards working at once by adding support to texmem.c.

As far as I know, other than adding support for additional cards, this
change is reasonably complete and bug-free. There's a lot of other
information that could be reported over the profiling interface, but
what is there now seems to work well. (One limitation is that only
2d textures are supported at the moment.)

My questions would be:

 - Is this interesting to anybody but me? It's been quite useful to me 
   so far in just the couple of hours I've had it working...

 - Does this duplicate something else that is out there already?

 - What's the chance of getting this integrated into the main sources?

Thanks for any feedback,

typedef struct dri_profile driProfile;
typedef struct dri_profile_heap driProfileHeap;
typedef struct dri_profile_texture driProfileTexture;

typedef enum {
  DRI_PROFILE_TEXTURE_WIDTH,	 /* width in pixels, unsigned */
  DRI_PROFILE_TEXTURE_HEIGHT,    /* height in pixels, unsigned */
  DRI_PROFILE_TEXTURE_MAIN_SIZE, /* bytes used in main meory, unsigned */
  DRI_PROFILE_TEXTURE_HEAP,      /* current heap, driProfileTexture */
  DRI_PROFILE_TEXTURE_HEAP_SIZE  /* bytes used in heap, unsigned */
} driProfileTextureOption;

driProfile *driCreateProfile(const char *name);

void driDestroyProfile(driProfile *profile);

driProfileHeap *driCreateProfileHeap(driProfile *profile,
				     const char *name,
				     unsigned    size);

driProfileTexture *driCreateProfileTexture(driProfile *profile,

void driDestroyProfileTexture(driProfileTexture *texture);
void driModifyProfileTexture (driProfileTexture *texture,

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