
Dnia 29-01-2005, sob o godzinie 11:19 +0100, Roland Scheidegger
> Jacek Rosik wrote:
> >
> > BTW: I have working solution for color but I wonder if this will work
> >  with color tiling. Of course offset Would have to be aligned to the 
> > closest tile. Can You take a look at it? (It's missing some bits but 
> > generaly apps which don't use depth should work Unfortunately I don't
> >  think there are many ;). Attached is a patch. Any comments are
> > welcome.
> Unfortunately I can't really try that with my single monitor ;-).

I also have single monitor at home. Just set virtual width to be greater
than 2048 and move window far to the left. This is basically just like
MergedFB works. I use 4000x2000 virtual resolution.


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