Felix Kühling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> but I have next problem: X server locked after a few minutes playing in
>> quake2 ;( My computer do not react on mouse or keyboard activity... but
>> this is not bus lock --- mplayer is contining playing music and I can login
>> on the computer through SSH.
>> it is the head of top output:
>> top - 11:02:53 up 19:53,  8 users,  load average: 1.22, 0.57, 0.25
>> Tasks:  59 total,   3 running,  54 sleeping,   0 stopped,   2 zombie
>> Cpu(s):  0.3% us, 99.7% sy,  0.0% ni,  0.0% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si
>> Mem:    255232k total,   185004k used,    70228k free,    29812k buffers
>> Swap:        0k total,        0k used,        0k free,   117208k cached
>>   PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND         
>>  1444 root      25   0  148m 5832 3332 R 99.3  2.3   1:59.36 X               
>>  1423 dima      15   0  2628 1084  908 S  0.7  0.4   0:01.30 esd             
>>  1487 dima      16   0  1864  964  764 R  0.3  0.4   0:00.14 top
>> As I can see --- all cpu power eaten by X server, but I cant kill it :(
>> even with help -9 or -11 signal 8o probably because the proces is in system
>> (kernel) mode... 
> Sounds like a graphics engine lockup. Some process keeps holding the
> lock waiting for the engine to become available, which it never does
> because it's locked up. In the mean while X tries to grab the lock and
> fails. So it keeps retrying, eating 100% CPU. Just a theory though.

but... why I can't kill X server? 9 signal is very powerfull, but not work

> There have been reports about instabilities with r200-based cards. It
> was introduced by some driver change last year. But AFAIK noone got
> around to tracking it down. :-/
>> what I can do? and how I can debug the problem?
> Try to find a version in CVS that works and then narrow it down to one
> specific commit that introduced the problem. This will be time consuming
> and not very exciting though.
What part of cvs tree I need to revert?
(reverting full cvs tree will be probably trafic consuming...)
and what I need to rebuild? rebuilding full xorg whith mesa dri driver and
drm modules take about 1.5 hour on my computer. If I will do full build
after every revertion it will be realy time consuming procedure...
>> PS: I have more problems: If I exit from quake before X locked --- the
>> mouse locked (or grabbed ??) I cant use it :( the mouse cursor placed in
>> the left top corner of display. and size of display do not returned to
>> normal rezolution... but keyboard work and I can cleanly shutdown X
>> server... Why this can be?
> Probably quake2 or the 3D driver segfaults before the mouse grab and
> graphics mode can be restored, possibly in r200DestroyContext. If it's
> crashing in the graphics driver this should be fairly easy to track
> down. Enable core dumps (ulimit -c unlimited) and analyze the core dump
> with gdb to see where it crashed (gdb -c core `which quake2`). 

I set ulimit -c unlimited... but were is core dump? I cant find it :(
nor for quake2 nor for quake3 (quake3 finished with signal 11)

> (Caution, quake2 may be a shell script. You must point gdb the actual
> executable instead.) In gdb use the "bt" command to see a call stack
> trace. "up" and "down" jump between stack frames. Use "print" to inspect
> variables.
> (This is just general advise. I don't have any r200 hardware myself
> ATM.)
>> --
>>         Dimitry
> HTH,
>   Felix
> -- 
> | Felix Kühling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                     http://fxk.de.vu |
> | PGP Fingerprint: 6A3C 9566 5B30 DDED 73C3  B152 151C 5CC1 D888 E595 |

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