On 6/16/05, Adam Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would strongly suggest that we use usermode helpers as much as possible even
> on linux, since we have the code already written in X and it'll increase the
> similarity with other platforms.  Write it once.  Other platforms without an
> fbdev layer will run the server as root and just fork the modesetter.
> This would be nice to do even for the classic server if possible.

User mode helpers have their own set of problems. It is really hard to
build them so that the system doesn't deadlock in low memory
situations. The OOM process killer can also kill them if it gets
desperate for memory. Trying to run them can trigger swap storms, etc.
Several groups are building systems like that on Linux right now -
FUSE, iSCSI, others. Their success is varied and no one has had
complete success.

Jon Smirl

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