I've had a chance today to test the r300 driver (using a Radeon 9550) with every 3d game and application I have installed. This includes UnrealTournament, ut2004, q3a, RTCW, Rune, Tribes2, Orbz, MarbleBlast (both from GarageGames), neverball, neverputt, NWN, doom3, blender, ppracer, and gltron.

There were no lockups and very few rendering errors that I could see. Doom3 refused to launch, just stopping with:

----- R_InitOpenGL -----
Setup X display connection
Initializing OpenGL display
Using XFree86-VidModeExtension Version 2.2
DGA DirectVideo Mouse (Version 2.0) initialized
Free86-VidModeExtension Activated at 800x600

Performance wise, the driver seems to be on par with the r200 driver. Orbz and NWN are noticably slower. UT2004 is painfully slow, but I'm chalking that up to the S3TC fallback in the games renderer. Blender, which used to crash when opening up a couple files, seems to work flawlessly.

This is on an SMP xeon system, with 1 gig of RAM, running and Debian -unstable.


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