--- Comment #16 from Forest Hale <>  2009-10-13 02:46:01 
PST ---
If it is a regression it is not necessarily the same one, it could be a shader
compile error or other silent problems.

Please provide a log of running the game with these extra commandline options:
-developer -condebug +gl_paranoid 1

This should produce a log named ~/.nexuiz/data/qconsole.log containing many
details of how the renderer is operating, and if any GL errors were reported.

Options that may tickle the bug (use in any combination you like and see if
they fix it):
-notexturenonpoweroftwo        (disables use of non-power-of-two texture sizes)
-novbo                         (disables use of GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object)
-nocva                         (disables use of GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array)
+gl_mesh_testmanualfeeding 1   (causes game to use glVertex and friends instead
of glDrawRangeElements, slow)
+gl_mesh_testarrayelement 1    (causes game to use glArrayElement instead of
glDrawRangeElements, slow)
+gl_mesh_drawrangeelements 0   (causes game to use glDrawElements instead of

There are other options that might be involved but those are the likely

Options that will almost certainly make things appear, but will perform poorly:
-nofragmentshader              (disables use of GLSL shaders)
-safe                          (uses OpenGL 1.1 API only, no extensions)

You may also want to try different Effects presets in the options menu to see
if you can tickle the bug and isolate the causal relationships.

Configure bugmail:
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You are the assignee for the bug.

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