> Can you try to elaborate more on how exactly this interface is supposed to
> be used, what kind of the devices it is used for, the use case of the device
> and so on. This patch is adding userspace ABI which we have to maintain
> forever so we should try to give this proper review, which is not easy
> without knowing what it actually is.
> - Lars

The device in question is an I/O expansion board (nt133) with 4 relay
outputs and 16 digital inputs for a PLC like Substation Automation
Platform (NovaTech OrionLXm). The I/O board expects the state (on or
off) and the number of milliseconds the state of the relay should be
changed (or 0 to change it indefinitely). The outputs would typically
be wired to something like a circuit breaker which expects a momentary
contact but could also be used for other purposes.

For this device writing "1000" to out_waveform0_hightime_raw would
close the relay contact for 1 second.
Writing "1000" to out_waveform0_lowtime_raw would open the relay
contact for 1 second then return it to the closed state. I have the
driver supplying 0.001000 for out_waveform_scale which should mean the
"scaled" time is in seconds.

I was trying to mirror suggestions Jonathan Cameron had for pulse
capture in this post:

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