This really should have been broken up into several patches.  I've
reviewed the first 15 patches and they were straight forward.  Then I
postponed because it was just so grizzly to figure out what was going

On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 04:01:55PM +0200, Sergio Paracuellos wrote:
> This commit refactors ks_wlan_translate_scan function with
> the following changes:
>     - reorder local variables
>     - use ether_addr_copy to copy ethernet addresses
>     - change style in 'current_ev' variable assignments
>     - make use of some ternaries avoiding if-else code
>     - use preferred style for comments
>     - extract common code into a new ks_wlan_add_leader_event
>       function

I have s script to ignore comment changes and review patches that
extract code into new functions but since this stuff is all jumbled
together then I have to review it manually.  Five of these things take
about 10 seconds to review when they're on their own, so 50 seconds
altogether.  Extracting the code takes maybe a minute to review.  So
let's say a total of two minutes.

But to review it after it's mixed up and then mashed into a pile takes
probably 15 minutes.

dan carpenter

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