On 2012-04-26, Matt Johnston <m...@ucc.asn.au> wrote:

> I assume what OpenSSH is doing is looking whether the user has a
> blank password at the first "none" request, and sending "success"
> straight away.

Ah, I had assumed that the process started out with the server sending
a list of acceptable auth methods, and I couldn't find that anywhere.
But, I gather than the client just starts sending various auth
requests in whatever order it wants until it finds a winner.

> That seems sensible enough to me, Dropbear should probably do the
> same so it can be like rshd :)

I had forgotten about rsh/rlogin...

> Have a look at svr-auth.c , search for AUTH_METHOD_NONE. I think the
> checkusername() test needs to move before the 'none' test (that
> populates ses.authstate.pw_passwd among other things). Then the
> "none" test can apply the same logic for ALLOW_BLANK_PASSWORD as
> svr_auth_password().

I'll take a look and see what I can come up with.

> That's a 2 minute look at how Dropbear could be modified, there might
> be some caveats I haven't noticed.  Patches accepted or I might try
> get it done for the next release. 

It might seem that hitting "enter" at the password prompt isn't a big
deal, and for interactive use, that's true.  The embedded system is
set up with a blank password mainly during development and testing
because it's a handy way to do automate testing using shell scripts
running on the development host. The password prompt breaks that.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I would like to
                                  at               urinate in an OVULAR,
                              gmail.com            porcelain pool --

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