On Thu, 2012-04-26 at 15:33 +0000, Grant Edwards wrote:
> I'm trying to switch from the openssh server to dropbear's server on
> an embedded system, and I've run into one snag.  I've enabled the
> "allow blank password" feature, but dropbear still prompts for a
> password on accounts that have blank passwords.  That's "wrong" -- or
> at least it's different than what openssh, telnetd, login do.

I've not been following dropbear development but a number of years ago,
dropbear didn't support no-password login (as root for sure).  I created
a patch and submitted it to the dropbear list.  Not sure if it (or
something like it) was integrated.

If it helps your investigation here's a link to the mailing list post
with my patch although this was 3 years ago so not sure if/how much the
code has changed:


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