Hello everybody,

we are using DSpace 5.5 and we would like to to create a custom search form on DSpace homepage, allowing us to use advanced filters together with search query in a similar fashion as it is possible on Discovery page (e.g. https://dspace.cuni.cz/discover). Is it possible to add a custom search field together with advanced filters?

The idea is to have a search field at the top of the homepage, followed by list of communities. So far I was able to just add a simple search field without any additional filtering options (https://dspace.cuni.cz) by modifying news-xmlui.xmlfile:

   <div id="aspect.discovery.SiteViewer.div.front-page-search-custom"
   interactive="yes" rend="primary" action="/discover"
   n="front-page-search" method="get">
        <head>Search DSpace</head>
        <p>Enter some text in the box below to search DSpace.</p>
            <field id="aspect.discovery.SiteViewer.field.query"
   n="query" type="text"> <params/> </field>
            <field id="aspect.discovery.SiteViewer.field.submit"
   n="submit" type="button"> <params/> <value type="raw">Go</value>

(it is an example code I got from http://wiki.lib.sun.ac.za/index.php?title=SUNScholar/XMLUI_Theme/M1/Page_Structure)

Our Dspace installation details:
DSpace version*: 5.5
*UI*: XMLUI / Mirage 2 theme

Thank you in advance,
best regards,

Jakub Řihák

Charles University
Czech Republic

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