Dear Tim,

Thanks for your reply.  What you describe is exactly what we need.  I can
see my use of the phrase 'logging in' was misleading.  I have everything
set up to verify ip authentication/authorization, as far as I know.  But
when I come to my dspace in the browser, and it is clear from the log that
dspace knows the ip address, and it matches what is in
authentication-ip.cfg, it still does not put the user in the desired group
or give the user permission to listen to the audio files.  It sounds, from
your email, that this is supposed to just work, one does not need to do
anything more than come to the site from the designated ip address, in
order to have access to the files.

Originally I thought that perhaps the authentication module was not getting
the right ip address, since I am using apache in front of tomcat, but then
I found that the module has this built in, when you uncomment useProxies =
true in the dspace.cfg.  And having done that, I can see the ip in the
dspace log file.  But the user still does not land in the right group...

Best regards,

On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 4:21 PM, Tim Donohue <> wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> IP Authentication is a slight misnomer.  It's not truly *authentication*
> but rather *authorization*.  So, you don't need to login at all, but you
> are provided specific access rights based on your IP address.
> So, the point of IP Auth is that you are essentially "mapping" specific IP
> addresses or ranges to specific DSpace Groups.  Anyone who accesses your
> site from those IP addresses (even anonymously) will be added to that
> DSpace Group for the remainder of their session.  You can then use that
> DSpace Group to assign those users specific access rights.
> One example use case for IP Auth is to provide access to all University
> Theses & Dissertations while on campus (or while in the University
> Library).  In such a scenario, the Theses & Dissertations may be access
> restricted to downloading/viewing to the general public, but if a user
> visits your site from an on-campus IP address, they can download/view the
> files without logging in.
> I hope that helps clarify the purpose of IP Auth!
> Tim
> On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 5:11 AM Paul Warner <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have set up ip authentication using apache as a proxy front end for
>> tomcat. The log is seeing the ip address, so it is being correctly passed
>> through from apache to tomcat, and correctly read by dspace.  But it is not
>> logging me in to the group.  My question is, how do I log in?  If I have ip
>> authentication stacked with password authentication, when I click the login
>> button in the top menu on the jspui, I go to the password login page.  If I
>> remove password login from the list in authentication.cfg and have only ip
>> authentication, then when I click the login button I get a page with no
>> form elements at all, nothing.  And, as I said, I am not being logged in to
>> the group automatically.
>> Thanks for any hints or tips!
>> Best regards,
>> Paul
>> dspace 6.1 on Suse 12.2, tomcat 8 and apache 2.4.23
>> Here is the log entry:
>> 2017-10-02 11:55:00,242 INFO  org.dspace.usage.LoggerUsageEventListener
>> @ anonymous:session_id=50601B9E86D5FEC0FC1173927BAF8DA6:ip_addr=
>> view_item:handle=123456789/46
>> I have configured dspace so:
>> from dspace.cfg
>> #### Proxy Settings ######
>> # uncomment and specify both properties if proxy server
>> required
>> # proxy server for external http requests - use regular hostname without
>> port number
>> = localhost
>> # port number of proxy server
>> http.proxy.port = 443
>> # If enabled, the logging and the Solr statistics system will look
>> for
>> # an X-Forwarded-For header. If it finds it, it will use this for the
>> user IP address
>> useProxies = true
>> from authentication.cfg
>> =
>> org.dspace.authenticate.IPAuthentication,org.dspace.authenticate.
>> PasswordAuthentication
>> from authentication-ip.cfg
>> authentication-ip.Hochschule_Bibliothek =
>> --
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> --
> Tim Donohue
> Technical Lead for DSpace & DSpaceDirect
> | |

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