Hi Sean,

Am 08.07.22 um 11:24 schrieb Sean Carte:
Ah, but wait, I remembered the chain of events that led to me installing the cert, whose chain is broken:

The F5 firewall seems to provide certification through its wildcard certificate. So if you visit our current DSpace-CRIS 5 repository at https://openscholar.dut.ac.za/ <https://openscholar.dut.ac.za/>  and check the connection security for that site, you will see that it is verified by Sectigo Ltd. However, on that server, I'm using a self-signed certificate. (It used to be LetsEncrypt before the F5.)

I'm not sure if I can follow you…we only have IP-based FWs, the encryption is done always on the host. You have a self-signed cert and the F5 decrypts inside - like a browser / proxy- and encrypts again with another cert to outside ?


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