My understanding is that each field under authority control is considered 
unique and distinct from the others, and will therefore be given different 
authority control IDs.  As far as I know (and I think this holds for DSpace 
7.6 as well as 6.x) there is no way to share the authority control data 
across multiple fields.

And to make matters worse, authority control comes with a "confidence" 
value. If the confidence values also differ, then the author may be listed 
again.  Our ETD system deposits directly into DSpace, some people don't 
bother with the Lookup feature in DSpace 6.x, some do.  The end result is a 
mess of authority control records, with differing confidence values, in 
multiple metadata fields, all for the same person. We've seen the same 
author name repeated in our author browse 5 or 6 times.

- Darryl

On Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 6:05:48 AM UTC-6 Nada Aboueata wrote:

> Dear, 
> We are implementing DSpace version 6.3 and enabling ORCID for two metadata 
> fields (, dc.contributor.advisor). 
> However, when we try to add the same author with the same ORCID ID under 
> two *different* metadata fields (as main author and advisor), we have 
> noticed  that the system is assigning two different  authority keys to each 
> metadata field even though both are linked to the same ORCID id . The only 
> difference is the metadata field that holds this data.  As a result, once 
> we browse authors, it shows two author records as both assigned to two 
> different authority keys. 
> In our configuration, we have configured two authority indexes per 
> metadata, one for  author and other for advisor as shown below. 
> Could you please advise if it’s possible to assign the same authority keys 
> for the same authors regardless where it’s stored in which metadata. 

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