
Comments below:

On 04/18/2007 01:54 PM, Cory Snavely wrote:
> Well, as I said at first, it all depends on your definition of what a
> memory hog is. Today's hog fits in tomorrow's pocket. We better all
> already be used to that.

Thank you for proving my point on memory bloat pervasiveness in the IT
industry.  This type of thinking allows vendors (whether open source or
proprietary) to drive up the "base" systems requirements without greatly
improving functionality because it is predestined.

> Also, I don't think for a *minute* that the original developers of
> DSpace made a casual choice about their development environment--in
> fact, I think they made a responsible choice given the alternatives.
> Let's give our colleagues credit that's due. Their choice permits
> scaling and fits well for an open-source project. Putting the general
> problem of memory bloat in their laps seems pretty angsty to me.
> Lastly, dedicating a server to DSpace is a choice, not a necessity. We
> as implementors have complete freedom to separate out the database and
> storage tiers, and mechanisms exist for scaling Tomcat horizontally as
> well. In the other direction, I suspect people are running DSpace on
> VMware or xen virtual machines, too.

I didn't say they made a casual choice about their development
environment.  I said the functional requirements of the application
didn't justify the memory footprint required to run this application.
Whether or not they made a choice that "fits well for an open-source
project" depends on your definition of Open Source.  However, I don't
think that debate is relevant to this discussion.

As far as scaling requirements, it depends on where you want
scalability.  As you pointed out, there is a natural ability with web
applications to scale them vertically through hardware or Tomcat's, now
native, horizontal approach.  Since either approach needs hardware, the
memory footprint of an application needs to be taken into account.  The
higher the "base" system requirements, the likelihood of someone having
a scalable system is lowered due to total cost of ownership (TCO).
While virtual machine technology can help lower some TCO issues, it
brings in a whole new batch of problems which are out of scope for this

The general problem of memory bloat rests in all developers laps (mine
included).  As an industry, we need to constantly weigh our use of
memory against the functionality we are providing.  The functionality
provided by Dspace isn't rocket science, and shouldn't require memory
footprints greater than most of systems that get people into space.

Brad Teale                            Web Application Developer
Digital Library Development Lab       University of Minnesota Libraries

> On Wed, 2007-04-18 at 13:40 -0500, Brad Teale wrote:
>> Pan,
>> Dspace is a memory hog considering the functionality the application
>> provides.  This is mainly due to the technological choices made by the
>> founders of the Dspace project, and not the functional requirements the
>> Dspace project fulfills.
>> Application and memory bloat are pervasive in the IT industry.  Each
>> individual organization should look at their requirements whether they
>> are hardware, software or both.  Having to dedicate a machine to an
>> application, especially a relatively simple application like Dspace, is
>> wasteful for hardware resources and people resources.
>> Web applications should _not_ need 2G of memory to "run comfortably".

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