Hi All,
We are trying to start *handle* server for the first time after receiving new prefix from Global Registry.
Getting the following error:

Unable to initialize server signature object: java.lang.Exception:
*Incorrect passphrase*
java.lang.Exception: *Incorrect passphrase*
at net.*handle*.server.HandleServer.<init>(HandleServer.java:273)
at net.*handle*.server.AbstractServer.getInstance(AbstractServer.java:75)
at net.*handle*.server.Main.initialize(Main.java:170)
at net.*handle*.server.Main.main(Main.java:90)
java.lang.Exception: *Incorrect passphrase*
at net.*handle*.server.HandleServer.<init>(HandleServer.java:273)
at net.*handle*.server.AbstractServer.getInstance(AbstractServer.java:75)
at net.*handle*.server.Main.initialize(Main.java:170)
at net.*handle*.server.Main.main(Main.java:90)
Shutting down...

I looked in user-groups, but was not able to find any answers for this problem. I think, we somehow miss passphrase which we entered while creating sitebndl.zip... However, I don't see any instructions in the documentation on how to provide passphrase to handle server.
Thank you for any help,

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