Richard Rodgers wrote:
> (1) There is a lot of metadata in DSpace (and a lot more to come) that is not 
> related to user discovery (technical metadata, e.g) - this could live in a 
> triple store - but would not benefit from it. In fact, a lot or record-based 
> metadata is accessed much more efficiently in a RDBMS.

1. From an architectural standpoint, doesn't a triple store (in theory) 
make it fundamentally easier to deal with a diversity of metadata types, 
*especially* technical metadata --- which can vary not only between 
formats but even between instances of a given format, depending upon the 
applications that have modified the bitstreams?

2. Regarding efficiency, are you referring to query (somehow harder to 
get what you want) or performance (triple-store implementations haven't 
benefited from 30+ years of refinement)?

Just trying to provoke discussion ;)


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