Following up on this with a couple of points about RDF use in DSpace:

Beyond the descriptive metadata that we usually think about (as 
replicated in the DWell browser) DSpace is already storing preservation 
data in RDF for the History (provenance) system. I've looked at that 
metadata with DWell and it lets me do things like plot DSpace events on 
a timeline view... very useful.

I also worked on a project last year to develop an RDF ontology for 
repository management policies, with the idea of having a distributed, 
federated policy management layer over DSpace and with 3rd party service 
providers (like persistent storage providers). Once again, viewing and 
editing that metadata was made easier by relying on RDF tools like Longwell.

So RDF proved useful for these two cases because the metadata schemas 
were not standardized and needed to be flexible and extensible... very 
much like the situation we have with descriptive metadata. Only in 
situations where the metadata schemas are standard and static has it 
been better to go with a traditional database schema... otherwise you 
end up changing the schema (and the code) way to often.


Richard Rodgers wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-11-29 at 08:14 -0500, John S. Erickson wrote:
>> Richard Rodgers wrote:
>>> (1) There is a lot of metadata in DSpace (and a lot more to come) that is 
>>> not related to user discovery (technical metadata, e.g) - this could live 
>>> in a triple store - but would not benefit from it. In fact, a lot or 
>>> record-based metadata is accessed much more efficiently in a RDBMS.
>> 1. From an architectural standpoint, doesn't a triple store (in theory) 
>> make it fundamentally easier to deal with a diversity of metadata types, 
>> *especially* technical metadata --- which can vary not only between 
>> formats but even between instances of a given format, depending upon the 
>> applications that have modified the bitstreams?
> Yes absolutely, but what I was trying to question was the 'grand
> unification' assumption I think gets made implicitly or explicitly in
> these discussions: i.e. that there has to be a single way DSpace
> represents and manages all its metadata. Since RDF is so
> general/powerful, it always looks like the prohibitive favorite if
> framed in these terms.
> I picture a continuum - which ranges from completely 'dark' metadata
> living only in an AIP in the asset store (recoverable, of course) to
> highly visible discovery metadata - with copies in Lucene, a
> triple-store, Google caches, etc. and cases in between involving
> collection management. Where Longwell/RDF shines is the case where such
> heterogeneous metadata needs to be combined for a particular discovery
> purpose.
> Now as Christophe pointed out, the trick is to manage this spectrum
> without excess system complexity, and too many moving parts. 

MacKenzie Smith
Associate Director for Technology
MIT Libraries

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