
here at stadtteilgeschichten.net we are far behind the time.

We are currently updating from DSpace 1.3.2 to 1.4.2.

My test installation resides under


which works fine for the most part. However, we have an issue
with feedback form not working.

I found that this has to do with a change in


made in revision 1653 of the file on behalf of bug #1584035,
a fix to prevent sploggers from using the feedback form:



Although I know the reason for my problem now, I am not able
to fix it on my own. I guess that I will just have to change
the dspace.hostname variable in my dspace.cfg appropriately.
Question is, what is appropriate? The URL given above, I
always used

dspace.hostname = stadtteilgeschichten.net

in the live and test installation until now. I reread the
comment line in the config file thoroughly and changed it
to the FQDN form

dspace.hostname = stadtteilgeschichten.net.

with a trailing dot. This brought me from a system error
to an authorization page. In the code of the servlet, some
Java String class methods are applied to the hostname.
It looks as if the basicHost object remained empty as long
as there was only one dot found within the hostname.
I found corresponding messages in dspace.log.

After adding the trailing dot, I believe that basicHost
is set to "net" in our case and compared to the referrer
of the request. However, it seems as if "net" is not
found within the referrer string. I took a trip to my
apache access log file and extracted such a request: - - [30/Nov/2008:08:52:18 +0100] "GET /cvoelker/feedback  
HTTP/1.1" 302 - "http://stadtteilgeschichten.net/cvoelker/handle/2339/290 
" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; de-DE; rv:  
Gecko/2008092414 Firefox/3.0.3"

I cannot understand why the comparison in line 95 fails
and sends me to the authorization page. The referrer is
neither null nor does it lack the part "net".

We are running a common setup with tomcat, apache and
mod_jk to join both servers together. Yes, you might
ask why I dont use tomcat as a standalone server, but
there is reason, not to do so as of now. I am not sure
whether mod_jk "eats" the referrer while passing the
request on to tomcat. I dont know where to check for
the arguments passed per request. Does it make sense
to activate debug logging for mod_jk to trace this?
Are there any specific requirements for mod_jk config
to comply with this new antispam measure?

Adding an arbitrary hostname part to the variable
dspace.hostname, such as www.stadtteilgeschichten.net.
would not make much sense to me either, because we
intentionally avoid to use meaningless hostnames such
as www. Additionally, I cannot see why the comparison
should work if the servlet searches for
"stadtteilgeschichten.net" within the referrer, if it
does not succeed to identify the "net" part. However,
I would accept that as a solution.

Any hints to solve this are highly appreciated.

Bye, Christian

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