I am having trouble getting Dspace to work with a version of manakin that I
have downloaded (from svn). The installation instructions say:

Compile Manakin using an existing DSpace source tree to link against. Use
the "dspace" ant parameter to tell Manakin where your DSpace source
directory is, as follows:

  ant -Ddspace=*/path/to/dspace/source*  build_wars

I tried this and it gave an error saying the lib subdir was not found.
I tried saying
.../dspace-1.5.1-src-release/dspace/target/dspace-1.5.1-build.dir and
got further but got compilation errors. It complained about all the
org.dspace imports. I must be getting the
directory wrong but I don't know how. I unpacked the dspace source
tarball into c:/amarlow, creating the subdir
dspace-1.5.1-src-release. Hence the command I gave from the manakin dir was:

ant -Ddspace=c:/amarlow/dspace-1.5.1-src-release build_wars


Andrew M.
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