In DSpace 1.4.2, what exactly does the "cleanup" job do?  For one
thing, I think it deletes assetstore entries for online records in
DSpace that have been deleted, however I'm wondering if it also deletes
"replaced" bitstream rows?  For example, let's say a document for an
Item is corrupt and you "delete" that document and upload a new one, the
bitstream row for the original document doesn't actually get deleted in
DSpace - column bitstream.deleted gets set to "true".  Is it the cleanup
job that is actually supposed to physically delete that old row in the
database?  If not, how/when does it actually get deleted?  I just
noticed that we have over 2,100 "duplicate" document names in the
database, mostly with 1 record marked as "deleted=true" and one marked
as "deleted=false".


     Also, has anyone reported having problems with "cleanup" failing
due to referential integrity problems with the "bundle" table?  We've
had that problem for a looong time now and I just recently figured out
how to correct it.





Sue Walker-Thornton

ConITS Contract
NASA Langley Research Center
</></>Integrated Library Systems Application & Database Administrator

130 Research Drive

Hampton, VA  23666

Office: (757) 224-4074
Fax:    (757) 224-4001
Pager: (757) 988-2547 


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